ment in love, and following the seven, shows a quarrel. The entire layout under Saturn indicates more or less trouble in your love affairs.
The three of spades shows an indecision regarding a journey, which is connected with some kind of work and a business transaction in which a real estate dealer, shown by the knave, bears an important part. The five of diamonds shows that an actual transaction in real estate was made, which resulted in better opportunities and more power for yourself. Another real estate dealer, older than the former a man of large experience, comes into your life soon, and your labors take on a high form of success, and you gain in wealth through the sale of property.
The four of diamonds shows much satisfaction from a pecuniary standpoint, and many deals of a successful character.
The nine of clubs shows a disappointment regarding a long journey which transpired a year or two ago. This journey was to be to visit a kind hearted lady, who has traveled a great deal. The six of hearts indicates a monotonous