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Vol. XXX.]
JUNE, 1919.
[No. II.

WEDNESDAY, 19th MARCH, 1919.

Mr. A. R. Wright (Vice-President) in the Chair.

The minutes of the January meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Mrs. Bryan Jones, Mrs. Janvier, Mr. W. Barton Clark, and Mr. H. Jarrett as new members, and the enrolment of Manchester College (Oxford) and the Horniman Museum as subscribers were announced.

The death of Mrs. Pocklington Coltman and the resignations of Prof. J. Estlin Carpenter, Mr. R. F. Hibbert, Miss Jane Harrison, Miss de Brisay and the Rev. H. R. Evans were also announced.

Dr. Hildburgh read a paper entitled “Some magical applications of brooms in Japan,” and in the discussion which followed, the Chairman, Prof. Baudis and Miss Moutray Read took part.

The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Hildburgh for his paper.

vol. xxx.