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Hartland, Dr. E. Sidney: on the Tale of the Prince that didn't Exist, 80 et seq.; reviews of H. Bailey, Archaic England, 159 et seqq.; R. Christiansen, Tale of Two Travellers, 255 et seqq.; R. Etheridge, Dendroglyphs, or Carved Trees in New South Wales, 528 et seqq.

Harvest ceremonies: the last sheaf in Egypt, 201.

Heather, J.: on Armour in Churches, 231.

Hermant, P.: the Fantastic in Popular Tales, 267 et seqq.; Certain Notes on Social Ethics in Popular Tales, 285.

Hill: custom of burning, 242 et seq.

Hiva-oa: statues at, 295.

Horseshoes: modes of hanging, 233 et seq.

Huddersfield: a charm against evil spirits, 75 et seq.

Hull, Miss E.: review of J. L. Weston, From Ritual to Romance, 163 et seqq.

Hutton, J. H.: on Pilgrimages in Donegal, 231 et seqq.

Hyaena: the, testing watermelons, 202.

Immigrants : beliefs introduced by, 52.

Incas: the, policy of, 26.

Italy: ancient. Mother-right in, 93 et seqq.

Jezebel: death of, 143.

Kai tribe, the: belief of, 53.

Keane, A. H.: Man, Past and Present, review of, 253 et seq.

Kerry: notes on folk beliefs in, 234 et seqq.

Keyser, C.: on beliefs among the Kai tribe, 53.

Kiriwina Island: beliefs in, 55.

Koita tribe, the: beliefs of, 56.

Kruijt, A. C. : on Indonesian beliefs, 48 et seqq.

Kuttiahthan: a Poltergeist in Malabar, 145 et seq.

Lambfada: cult of, iii.

Lancelot: tale of, 314.

Lent crocking, 240 et seqq.; 247 et seq.

Leprechaun, the, 320.

Lex Canuleia in Rome, 101.

Lizard, a: walking on salt destroys it, 200.

MacDougall, W.: The Group Mind, review of, 250 et seqq.

Maila tribe, the: beliefs of, 55.

Malabar: a Poltergeist, 145 et seq.

Malinowski, B.: on beliefs in Kiriwina Island, 55.

Mangaia: idol in, 296.

Marett, Dr. R. R.: reviews of W. H. F. Basevi, The Burial of the Dead, 161 et seqq.; W. MacDougall, The Group Mind, 250 et seqq.; E. Clodd, Magic in Names and Other Things, 331 et seqq.

Marquesas Islands: statues in, 295 et seq.

Marriage, forms of: in Rome, 103; in Egypt, bride and bridegroom squirting water at each other, 200; days, prohibited in Kerry, 236.

Mater Matuta: cult of, 99 et seq.

Medicine: sympathetic, in Egypt, 145.

Meetings of the Society, 1, 89 et seqq.; 261 et seq.

Melanesia: introduction of a new culture into, 67; soul substance in, 48 et seqq.; statues and pyramids, 297.

Members of the Society: list of, 11 et seqq.

Mithras: cult of, 315.

Moon: new, in Egypt, 198; full, name of, in Egypt, 200.

Mother-right in Ancient Italy, 93 et seqq.

Mota tribe, the: beliefs of, 56.

Murray, Miss A.: on witches and the number thirteen, 204 et seqq.

Museum and Exhibits Committee: Report of, 92.

Mushroom: crows' bread, 198.

Nails: driven into a tree as a charm, 202 et seq.

Names: in Ancient Italy, 106.

Nemi: legend of, 313.

New Guinea: soul substance in, 48 et seqq.