Blücher's letter to Davoust, 1 July 1815
To the French General Davoust,
Headquarters, July 1, 1816.
It is not conformable to truth that, because Napoleon has abdicated the throne, there exists no further motive for War between the Allied Powers and France. His abdication is conditional; that is, in favour of his son: but a Decree of the Allied Powers excludes not only Napoleon, but every member of his Family, from the Throne.
If General Frimont has considered himself authorised to conclude an Armistice with your General opposed to him, that is no motive for us to do the same. We shall pursue our victory. God has given us strength and resolution to do so. Beware, Marshal, of what you do; and forbear devoting another city to destruction! for you know what liberties the exasperated soldiers would take, should your capital be carried by storm. Do you solicit the maledictions of Paris, in addition to those of Hamburg?
We shall enter Paris to protect the respectable inhabitants against the mob, by whom they are threatened with pillage. An Armistice can be made with security nowhere but in Paris. This, our relative position towards your Nation, be pleased. Marshal, not to mistake!
Let me finally observe to you, Marshal, if you mean to negotiate with us, it is matter of surprise that, in defiance of the Law of Nations, you detain our Officers dispatched with Letters and Orders.
In the usual form of conventional civility, I have the honour to be,
- Marshal,
- Your obedient servant,
- Blücher.