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Latest comment: 6 years ago by JezGrove in topic To change the master is not to be free



Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to José Martí. --Antiquary 15:57, 21 March 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • Vale más morir de pie que vivir arrodillado. or Es mejor morir a pie que vivir arrodillado.
    • It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
    • While popularly attributed to the Mexican Revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, and sometimes to Che Guevara, this is actually a quote of Martí. Zapatistas and Guevara did use this slogan, but it did not originate with them. Similar expressions date back to ancient times, including those of Aeschylus, who in Prometheus Bound states, "it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life."
  • Triste cosa es no tener amigos, pero más triste ha de ser no tener enemigos porque quién no tenga enemigos señal es de que no tiene talento que haga sombra, ni carácter que impresione, ni valor temido, ni honra de la que se murmure, ni bienes que se le codicien, ni cosa alguna que se le envidie.
    • A sad thing it is to not have friends, but even sadder must it be not having any enemies; that a man should have no enemies is a sign that he has no talent to outshine others, nor character that inspires, nor valor that is feared, nor honor to be rumored, nor goods to be coveted, nor anything to be envied.

This is falsely attributed to Marti. It was actually written by Father Calancha in the first part of XVII Century, see "Bolivar and Father Calancha" in "peruvian Traditions" by Ricardo Palma funlovelatino 04:23PM ET/US March 12, 2014/► ///I have studied "Peruvian Traditions" by Ricardo Palma(*ref: http://toddmcompton.com/peruviantraditions.htm#_THE_GOVERNMENTS_OF) and I do not find the quote debated here above, I do not know if it belongs to to José Martí, but I am sure it is not within the text I have studied, so IT does not belown to Father Antonio de la Calancha(*ref above, "toddcompton.com/peruviantrad... etc.")

The phrase is also attributed to Baltasar Gracian.

I read throughout all books written by Baltasar Gracián and there is no such phrase in there either. The books are, on pdf, perfectly available online. He investigado en todos los libros de Baltasar Gracián y no aparece esta frase en ellos tampoco. Los libros están, en pdf, perfectamente disponibles en línea.

  • All the glory in the world fits in a kernel of corn.
  • The first duty of a man is to think for himself.

To change the master is not to be free


I seem to recall that Marti wrote "to change the master is not to be free", but can't find a reliable source. (A similar sentiment was later echoed by the Who in their song "Won't Get Fooled Again" as "meet the new boss, same as the old boss".) JezGrove (talk) 21:36, 22 January 2019 (UTC)Reply