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Pinky Dinky Doo

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Pinky Dinky Doo (2006–2009) is an American children's television that aired on Noggin & Nick Jr. The series premiered on April 11, 2006 & ended on April 8, 2011.

Episode 1 (Season 1)


Where Are My Shoes? (1.1)

[First lines in the series]
Tyler: Pinky! Pinky Dinky Doo-oo!
Pinky: What do you want, Tyler?
Tyler: Have you seen my shoes? All I can find is a boot and a flipper.
Pinky: So, what's wrong with that?
Tyler: I've got day camp today. If I don't find my real shoes, I'm in big trouble.
Pinky: Hmm, missing shoes? That gives me an idea.
Tyler: Pinky, are you gonna make up a story?
Pinky: Yesserooni, Positooni!

Pinky: So, what do you think I should wear to school today? Let's see. Should I wear a big, stinky wedge of cheese? Hmm, too cheesy. So, how about... a pretty pet pink pony? Well, I like ponies pretty much, but not pink. I know, I know, my hair's pink, my name's Pinky, but I don't like pink! So... how about my very favorite dress? Perfect.
Mommy Dinky Doo: Pinky, breakfast!

Pinky: Check this out! I couldn't find my shoes, look what I had to wear.

Pinky Dinky Doo and the Outer Space Fluffy Buns (1.2)

Nicholas: Whoa, this is so cool, Pinky Dinky Doo! Our building is rising like crazy!
Tyler: Wait a minute, Pinky.

Daffinee: Oh, boy, Pinky Dinky Doo, you're not supposed to do that to the building. Honestly. Aah!

Episode 2 (Season 1)


Tyler's Great Big Solo (2.1)

Pinky: Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big!
Bobby Boom: Stand back everybody, Pinky Dinky Doo is gonna Think Big!
Pinky: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪

Come on, Pink, Think!

Pinky: Wee!
Narrator: And then it happened, Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do

Polka Dot Pox (2.2)

Tyler: Ah-ah-choo
Pinky: Woah, Tyler! Sounds like you're getting a cold.
Tyler: Uh-huh.
Pinky: Are you gonna miss your trip to the Museum really old Stuff?
Tyler: Uh-huh.
Pinky: Wow, Tyler. You'll never get to see the dinosaurs.
Tyler: I know. I'm so... (trumpet fanfare) Frustrated! (blow tissue) That's how feel when you don't get to do what you want.

Daddy Dinky Doo: Attention, this is Principal Dip Dong speaking. Miss McGanza's class please do NOT come to school today! Everybody has the Polka Dot Pox! That is all.
Pinky: My whole class has the same thing I do? Now that something you don't see every day. I'm so (trumpet fanfare) frustrated! My friends won't see me & Mr. Guinea Pig making popcorn I know will make them feel better if they could. Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪

Come on, Pink Think!

Daddy Dinky Doo: Pinky, be sure to straighten up when.
Pinky: Ok, dad.
Narrator: Then it happened, Pinky had a big idea.
Pinky: Wee!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Pinky: That's exactly what happened. [Mr. Guinea Pig turns off the video game.] I'm glad my story made you feel... [Pinky sneezes and she caught a cold. Mr. Guinea Pig had a popsicle stick to make Pinky feel better.]
Tyler: Uh-oh, I guess it's my turn to make up a story to help you feel better, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Can you make up a story too? (final lines)

Episode 3 (Season 1)


Pinky and the Grumpy Alligator (3.1)

Tyler: Hey, Pinky.
Pinky: What is it, Tyler?
Tyler: Do you ever feel Grouchy?
Pinky: Sometimes like if I whack my big toe or can't get a puzzle piece to fit.
Tyler: There's a new kid at my school. His name is Johnny Gelatinhead. And he's not in a good mood, He's not very nice either. He's really.. (trumpet fanfare) grumpy.

The Horn and Antler Club (3.2)

Narrator: It turns out there was lots of rules at the Horn & Antler Club. Rule Number 1...
Pinky: Woah!
Narrator: Was you had to wear Horns & Antlers. As Pinky walked through the room, She saw 3 animal heads on the wall, A Bongo, A Rhinoceros, And an Elephant.
Pinky: Huh?
Narrator: All those grownups clicking their antlers together looked so, so-- Oh, What's that Word?
Tyler: Wait a Minute, Pinky. I know, Pinky. All those grownups really.. (trumpet fanfare) ridiculous. That's when something is really, really silly
Pinky: That's right, Tyler. They'd looked.. (trumpet fanfare) ridiculous.

Jenkins: You may come out when you've stopped laughing

Episode 4 (Season 1)


Tyler Dinky Doo and the Pirate Crew (4.1)

Pinky: Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
All: Come on, Pink, Think!
Narrator: Then it happened, Pinky had a big idea.
Pinky: Arr! Arr!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Pinky Dinky Doo and the Missing Dinosaurs (4.2)

Pinky: Time out. I wonder what's making that noise? I think it's coming from the Museum Really old Stuff. Come on, let's go.
Tyler: Sounds kind of Weird. Wait a Minute, Pinky. What are they gonna do, Pinky?
Pinky: I don't know, I Gotta make it up. Oh, I know! They were going to the Museum to look for clues.
Tyler: You mean they're gonna.. (trumpet fanfare with bubbles) investigate.

Pinky: Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big!
Tyler: Uh-oh, Watch out guys!
Pinky: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Both: Come on, Pink, Think!
Narrator: Then it happened, Pinky had a big idea.
Pinky: Wee! Yeah!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Episode 5 (Season 1)


Pinky Dinky Doo and the Pizza Artist (5.1)


Pinky Dinky Doo and the Party Animals (5.2)

Narrator: Pinky decided to dance it was fun
Pedro the Penguin: Miss Pinky dear, I'm so glad to come to our... (trumpet fanfare) celebration.
Tyler: Hey, Pinky!
Pinky: What, Tyler?

(trumpet fanfare)

Tyler: Celebration. That's a big happy party for somebody special.
Pinky: That's Right, Little Brother.

Episode 6 (Season 1)


Tyler's Tall O'Meter (6.1)

Pinky: Mr. Guinea Pig, What are you doing?
Tyler: He's watering me to keep me grow. Mommy waters the plant to make them grow tall, So Why not me?
Pinky: Is it working?
Tyler: No, I'm just getting wet. Pinky, I'm sick of getting small, I wanna be really, really big. I wanna be.. (trumpet fanfare) gargantuan. That means Super-Duper Big and tall.

Pinky: I'll get it. Hmm... What should we eat? Wow! How about a chocolate covered canoe? Nah, too canoe-y. How about this dancing duck?
♪ I'm a quack quack here, I'm a quack quack there, I'm a duck, quack quack ♪
Pinky: Nah, too upstage-y. Hey! How about some frosted brainiac flakes? Perfect.
Narrator: It was a good thing Pinky ate a good breakfast, because by afternoon, she was playing basketball at Hoopty-Doop Stadium. And by evening, she was so gigantic, she picked apples from the treetops in Smack Dab Park. Yep, Pinky was thrilled to be tall, and getting taller every minute. Pinky was growing so fast, the Get Tall O'Meter started to shimmy and shake.

Tyler: Hey, Mr. Guinea Pig.
Mr. Guinea Pig: Hello!
Tyler: That's a great plan! I'm just hope I'm tall enough.
Narrator: Tyler zip-zam-zoomed to the bedroom, where the Get Tall O'Meter was still going kerplooey.
Tyler: I'm supposed to pull that lever, but it's pretty high. [grunting] Hey, I'm just the right side.
Pinky: Whoa, I think I'm getting smaller. I think I'm shrinking.
Tyler: I saw Pinky on her way down, but where'd she go?
Pinky: Yoo-hoo! Looking for me?

Tyler: Great story. I was just the right size to reach the lever and fix The Get-Tall-O'Meter.
Pinky: Yeah, way to go, little brother.
Tyler: You never know when being small could solve a... (trumpet fanfare) gargantuan problem. Sounds like game time.
Pinky: Say "Cheese, please".
Pinky, Tyler, & Mr. Guinea Pig: [together] Cheese, please.

Pinky Dinky Doo and the Cloud People (6.2)

Narrator: The clouds were so happy, they gave Pinky and Mr. Guinea Pig their own personal rainbows.
Pinky: Cool rainbows.
Boy Cloud and Girl Cloud: Bye!
Pinky: And that's exactly what happened, pretty much, the end.

Episode 7 (Season 1)


Tyler Dinky Doo's Big Boo (7.1)

Tyler: Trick or Treat.
Vampire: You are so cute. And adorable.
Tyler: But I wanna be scary.
Vampire: Then You should make a scary noise. Like this. Blah.
Tyler: Blah. Like that? Thank you.
Vampire: The "blah" is kind of scary. But you. You are so cute.
Tyler: Wait a Minute, Pinky. I told you goo-goo fruity isn't scary. I want my costume to be.. (fanfare) terrifying. You know, Really, really scary.

Mad Scientist: Or should I.. I don't know. Think Big? Perfect! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪

Come on, Pink, Think!

Narrator: And then it happened, the Mad Scientist had a big idea.
Mad Scientist: Wee!
Narrator: The Mad Scientist knew just what to do.

Pinky and the New Teacher (7.2)

Miss Zero: Earth? Not Squeedrop Prime? Oh, I must've made a wrong turn!

Episode 8 (Season 1)


Tyler to the Rescue (8.1)

Tyler: That's my sister! We have to help her.
Gorilla: Ooh Ooh, Pretty pink hair.
Pinky: You think so? I really don't like pink. I know, I know. My hair is pink. My name is Pinky. but I Don't... like... PINK!
Gorilla: Don't like pink? Silly girl
Tyler: Let my sister go!
Gorilla: Me want pretty pink hair! Me like!
Tyler: Wait wait, Don't go bananas. I challenge you into an Arm-Wrestling Competition and if I win, I can take my sister home.
Gorilla: Me win, me keep.

Tyler: Whew! I guess it's a tie. Now what am I gonna do?
Pinky: That gorilla is just too strong.
Tyler: Guess I'll have to use my brain, not my muscles. It's time for me to think big! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Pinky & Gorilla: [together] Come on, Tyler, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Tyler had a big idea.
Tyler: Wee!
Narrator: Tyler Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Shrinky Pinky (8.2)

Lane Puppytray: Thanks, Pinky.
Pinky: Hey, I'm next in line, no butting.
Lunch Teacher: Excuse me, Mrs. Dinky Doo. There's no butting. Go to the end of the line.
Pinky: But, but...
Lunch Teacher: No buts, Mrs. Dinky Doo. You've done enough butting for now.
Narrator: And did you know what? Lane just stood there and let Pinky get in trouble.
Pinky: I'm so mad!
Narrator: Then things got worse. During the next week, did Lane break Pinky's favorite flower pen, tear up Pinky's homework, or squash Pinky's newest bluest shoes?! Unfortunately, for Pinky, the answer was all of the above. Pinky decide to talk over to Mr. Guinea Pig.
Pinky: Mr. Guinea Pig, what am I gonna do? You're lucky.
Tyler: Wait a Minute, Pinky. You mean you're gonna.. (trumpet fanfare) shrink?
Pinky: Righteronni. I'm going to.. (trumpet fanfare) shrink. Because I'm smallest Mr. Guinea Pig.

Pinky: Yeah, what am I gonna do?
Mr. Guinea Pig: Stand back Pinky, it Looks like it's time for me to think big!
Narrator: Then Mr. Guinea Pig Started to think, usually they have normal Guinea pig's size brains But when you need it to think big!
Mr. Guinea Pig: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Pinky: Come on, pig, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Mr. Guinea Pig had a big idea.
Mr. Guinea Pig: Wee!
Narrator: Mr. Guinea Pig knew just what to do.

Episode 9 (Season 1)


Tyler's Too Cool Game (9.1)

Pinky: Tyler? Hello? Anybody Home in there?
Tyler: I'm sending help my Lumpy People. Help me
Pinky: Man, you're really-- What's that word means Thinking about one thing and nothing else?

(trumpet fanfare)

Tyler: Engrossed?
Pinky: Yeah, that's it!

Tyler: Gravy boy that must save Lumpy people!

Come Home, Little Guinea Pig (9.2)


Episode 10 (Season 1)


Pinky and the Super Spaghetti Knot (10.1)


Back to School is Cool (10.2)

Pinky: Come on, Little Brother. It's the 1st day of School time to get dressed.
Tyler: Not Going.
Pinky: You are too!
Tyler: I'm not!
Daddy Dinky Doo: Tyler, Pinky hurry up. The bus will be here soon.
Tyler: Not Going!
Pinky: Wow, Tyler. You must be-- What's that word means You're Really, Really Worried?
Tyler: You mean... (trumpet fanfare) apprehensive?
Pinky: That's it! Hmm, You feeling (trumpet fanfare) apprehensive about the 1st day of School.

Narrator: Pinky decide to think big! This time her head didn't get bigger, her hair did.
Pinky: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
All: Come on, Pink, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Pinky had a big idea.
Pinky: Wee! Wee!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do... kind of.

Episode 11 (Season 1)


Tyler Dinky Doo's Sporting News (11.1)


Dragon Needs a Sippy Cup (11.2)


Episode 12 (Season 1)


Tyler Dinky Doo and the Legend of Twigfoot (12.1)

Narrator: Ok, So one day, at smack dab park. Tyler was having whole lot of fun playing leapfrog with his Lulu. Whenever Tyler tumbled down to the grass, Grass stains all over his hands and knees. Then, Tyler and Lulu made mudpies.
Tyler: Hi, Daffinee. Wanna Mudpie?
Daffinee: Ew, That's some.. Ew, You need a bath really bad. You look... (trumpet fanfare) hideous.
Tyler: Wait a minute, Pinky. (trumpet fanfare) hideous. That means really, really gross. I don't like when all the stories going into the bathtub.

Narrator: After a full exciting leapfrogging, grass stains, mudpies. Tyler said goodbye to Lulu and headed home. On his way, A walnut fell onto his dirty hair.
Tyler: Ow.
Narrator: Tyler's hair was so dirty. That a walnut tree was started to grow right there on top his head. People started staring him Because he looked so funny.
Tyler: What are you staring at?
Pinky: It’s street cleaning day. Hey Pete!
Pete: Say, aren’t you that Twigfoot Kid?
Tyler: Not for long!

Pinky and the Big Rainy Day (12.2)

Pinky: Bye kitties! Bye doggies! What a nice way to end a rainy day. No more... (trumpet fanfare) cacophony.
Pinky: And that's exactly what happened, pretty much, the end.

Pinky: Let's play "What is that sound?" ♪ What is that sound? ♪ You're gonna hear 3 different sounds and only 1 is from my story.
Tyler: That'll be the sound of cats and dogs making a lot of noise.
Pinky: That's right, little brother. Let's play.
(rooster crows)
Pinky: So what do you think? Is that the sound of cats and dogs making a lot of noise?
Tyler: No!
(rooster crows)
Tyler: That's a rooster.
(siren wails)
Pinky: What do you think? Is that the sound of cats and dogs making a lot of noise?
Tyler: No!
(siren wails)
Tyler: That's a fire engine.
(cats meowing, dogs barking)
Pinky: Or is that the sound of cats and dogs making a lot of noise?
Tyler: Yeah!
Pinky: That's it. That is the sound of cats and dogs making a lot of noise.
(cats meowing, dogs barking)
Pinky and Tyler: (cheering)
[Mr. Guinea Pig turns off the video game.]
Pinky: I'd love making up stories. I'll bet you can make up a story too.

Episode 13 (Season 1)


Pinky's Awful Good Day (13.1)

Pinky: Looks like it's time for me to Think Really Super Extra Big Idea!
Nicholas: Look out everybody, Pinky is gonna Think Really Super Extra Big!
Pinky: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
All: Come on, Pink, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Pinky had her biggest idea of the day!
Pinky: Wee!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Tyler's Neat-O Tuxedo (13.2)


Episode 14 (Season 1)


Pinky's Wintery Dintery Doo (14.1)

Daffinee: I planned my pool party weeks before it snowed.

Pinky's Great Big Concert (14.2)

Pinky: That's a perfect way to buttering a bagel.
Tyler: I'm not buttering a bagel I'm doing... (trumpet fanfare) experiment. That's when you try a different things until you find the one that works.

Episode 15 (Season 1)


The Great Big Cheese Chase (15.1)

Pinky: More crumbs?
Mr. Guinea Pig: No, fuzz, and it's yellow, and it smells like cheese.
Pinky: So, our... (trumpet fanfare) culprit must be a fuzzy yellow...
Mr. Guinea Pig: Whistler.
Pinky: A-ha.
Nicholas: Listen, there it is again.
Narrator: Pinky and her friends waved goodbye to Pappy Pepperoni and took off after the fuzzy yellow whistler. They ran super fast to the park, until they saw Boomer still did looking really sad.

Try It, You'll Like It... Pretty Much (15.2)

Tyler: Could I please be excused?
Mommy Dinky Doo: Don't you wanna try butter knot squash, Tyler?
Tyler: No thank you.
Mommy Dinky Doo: There you go, A no thank you for butter knot squash. Try that. You might found out it's... (trumpet fanfare) scrumptious.
Tyler: Scrumptious means really yummy butter knot squash doesn't look... (trumpet fanfare) scrumptious to me it does look squash. Yuck!

The Fish head: Try my perky pickle patties.

Episode 16 (Season 1)


Pinky Dinky Duplicate (16.1)

Narrator: All of sudden Pinky had a Million chores to do.
Pinky: Hmm. How am I gonna get all of this done? I know, I have just the thing. I can use my Pinky Dinky Duplicator and.. (trumpet fanfare) duplicate myself.
Tyler: Wait a Minute, Pinky. I know that word. (trumpet fanfare) Duplicate is when make a copy of something, so instead of having 1, or 2, or 3, or 4 or.
Pinky: Righteronni, Little Bro.

Pinky: I can use a duplicator to make copies of myself, and the copies can do all my chores.
Narrator: So, Mr. Guinea Pig pressed the start button...
Voice: 1 Pinky. 2 Pinkies. 3 Pinkies.
Narrator: and 3 new copies of Pinky popped out.
Pinky: 3 Pinkies. Perfect! You can do my homework.
Pinky Copy #1: Okay.
Pinky: You can make my bed.
Pinky Copy #2: Okay.
Pinky: And you can help Tyler find the bananas.
Pinky Copy #3: Okay.

Narrator: So, Mr. Guinea Pig hit the start button on the duplicator...
Voice: 1 Pinky.
Narrator: but nothing seemed to happen. So he hit it again...
Voice: 2 Pinkies.
Narrator: and again...
Voice: 3 Pinkies.
Narrator: and again...
Voice: 4 Pinkies. 5 Pinkies. Many, many pinkies.
Narrator: and still nothing, nothing, nothing.
Mr. Guinea Pig: How can I get a machine's blast?
Narrator: So, Mr. Guinea Pig gave up. And as soon as he left, the duplicator began to pop out pinkies: lots and lots of pinkies. Each Pinky began doing chores. First, they did Pinky's homework, then they made Pinky's bed. But they were too many them, and they began to make a big mess.
Mommy Dinky Doo: Thank you, Pinky.
Pinky Copy: You're welcome.
Mommy Dinky Doo: Thank you, Pinky.
Pinky Copy: You're welcome.
Mommy Dinky Doo: Thank you, Pinky.
Pinky Copy: You're welcome.
Pinky Copies: You're welcome. [keeps saying "You're welcome" a million times]
Mommy Dinky Doo: Oh, my! That's a lot of pinkies!
Mr. Guinea Pig: Uh-oh. Quick, the duplicator made too many pinkies, and now there's in big trouble!
Pinky: [Pinky becomes mad] What?! Oh, no!
Mommy Dinky Doo: Pinky!!!
Pinky: What a mess! This will teach me to never... (trumpet fanfare) duplicate myself again!
Tyler: Pinky, come quick!
Pinky: Uh-oh.

I Want That (16.2)


Episode 17 (Season 1)


Boom! Sonic Boom! (17.1)

Daffinee: Help! My bed's making me up!

Pinky the Pet (17.2)

Narrator: So, Pinky followed the frog to a place where the plants are green and lash, and the lily pads are way big.
Pinky: Cool.
Narrator: The frogs had a beautiful... What's that word for a place where people or animals live?
Tyler: Wait a minute, Pinky. I know, it's... (trumpet fanfare) habitat. A habitat is a place where people or animals live.
Pinky: Right you are, little brother! The frogs had a beautiful... (trumpet fanfare) habitat.

Episode 18 (Season 1)


Guppy Training Day (18.1)

Pinky: Where are your swim trunks? We're going swimming at Daffinee's remember?
Tyler: I don't know, Pinky. I just don't feel like swimming.
Pinky: Why not? The pool is so much fun.
Tyler: It is fun but..
Pinky: But what, Tyler?
Tyler: Daffinee's pool is so much bigger the one at smack dab park.
Pinky: It's really, really big.
Tyler: Yeah, It's... (trumpet fanfare) Gigantic.

Pinky and the Babysitter (18.2)


Episode 19 (Season 1)


Tyler's Lucky Sock (19.1)

Pinky: Wait, Don't give up. It's time to try something else, like Think Big!
One Sock the Pirate: Shiver me timbers!
Tyler: Look out, Pinky's gonna think big!
One Sock the Pirate: Arr!
Pinky: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Tyler, Mr. Guinea Pig & One Sock the Pirate: Come on, Pink, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Pinky had a big idea.
Pinky: Wee!
One Sock the Pirate: Arr! Now that me something you don't see everyday.
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Tyler's Best Sleepover Ever (19.2)

Mr. Guinea Pig: Go to sleep is the next thing on Harold's (trumpet fanfare) Agenda. and I can't go to sleep. I miss you and Tyler too much, What am I Gonna Do Pinky?
Pinky: Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big!
Mr. Guinea Pig: Look out, Pinky's gonna Think Big!
Pinky: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Mr. Guinea Pig: Come on, Pink, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Pinky had a big idea.
Pinky: Wee!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Episode 20 (Season 1)


Pinky's Big Talent (20.1)


Pinky Dinky Re-Doo (20.2)

Pinky: We're trying to figure out where Mr. Guinea Pig left his trumpet.

Episode 21 (Season 1)


Tyler's Super Family (21.1)

Narrator: Ok, so One day. The President of great big city needed help, And he knew just who to call.
Pinky: Hello, Mr. President, How's going?
Mr. President: [on the phone] (screams)
Pinky: If I'm not mistaking, The President seems upset. What's wrong, Sir?
Mr. President: No time to explain, Meet me right away at the Hall of... (trumpet fanfare) Xylophones.
Tyler: Wait a minute, Pinky. I know that word. (trumpet fanfare) Xylophone is musical instrument it goes like this, And sounds like this.
Pinky: (giggling) Wow, nice Mr. Guinea Pig.

Tyler: Holy hole in the ground, The Hall of (trumpet fanfare) Xylophones is gone.
Mr. President: That's why I called you. Everyone knows that Today is my birthday.
Super Dinky Dupers: Happy Birthday Mr. President!
Mr. President: It won't be happy now

Daddy Dinky Doo(Cartoony Man): Never fear! (pulls out his "Super Advanced Number 2 Pencil of Drawing") Cartoony Man's here! One black hole coming up! I'll just adjust my super pencil of drawing... to the right setting! (adjusts his pencil to the right setting and begins to draw a black hole, once he finishes he runs offscreen)
Pinky Dinky Doo(Pinky Dinky Super Brain): See ya, Mr. President!
Mr. President: Good luck.
Narrator: The Super Duper Minivan of Transportation zoomed through Outer Space, and in no time at all landed on planet Harmonium
Pinky: We come in peace.
Alien 1: Well, that's a relief.
Pinky: We're looking for some missing (trumpet fanfare) xylophones.

[The aliens move their eyes left and right and put xylophones behind their backs]

Alien 2: Uh? We don't know anything about that, we're very nice aliens.
Tyler: Then can you tell us where to find the Alien (trumpet fanfare) Xylophone Moving Company?
Alien 1: Never heard of that either.
Tyler: (whispering) Those are aliens are not telling the truth.
Pinky: Why do you say that?
Tyler: Because they won’t look in the eye with any of their eyes.
Aliens: (whistling)
Tyler: Looks like I have to use my snoring super power to get them to tell the truth, Cover your ears. (snoring)
Alien 1: Oh boy, we are in such a trance!
Alien 2: We have no choice to start telling you the truth.
Tyler: Where's the Alien (trumpet fanfare) Xylophone Moving Company?
Alien 1: In the great valley of (trumpet fanfare) Xylophones.
Alien 2: Nice trumpet.
Pinky: Come on, everybody. (her super phone rings) Wait, it’s my super phone. [she took it out] Hello?
Mr. President: Have you found the missing instruments?
Pinky: Not yet, Mr. President.
Mr. President: [on the phone] (screams)
Pinky: Come on let’s go.
Mommy Dinky Doo: The moving company’s locked up tight.
Daddy Dinky Doo: Wait a minute, wherever there are (trumpet fanfare) xylophones there should be... Music! I'll just activate my super mom hearing. (uses her super mom hearing and hears xylophones) I hear music, follow me! (they rush over to the Hall of Xylophones covered in a huge paper towel) The music is coming from this mountain.
Tyler: Wait a minute, this isn't a mountain at all.
Pinky: This must be the Hall of.. (trumpet fanfare) Xylophones covered in a giant paper towel, let's pull it off!
Mommy Dinky Doo: We can't, there's a big lock holding it down.
Mr. Guinea Pig: (breaks the lock) Hyah! Yeah.

[Daddy Dinky Doo pulls the paper towel off the Hall of Xylophones]

Pinky: Quick, inside! (they go into the Hall of Xylophones where aliens are having a party) Hold it! Stop the Music! This is looks like a very nice party but... Aren't those our instruments?
Alien 1: We’re sorry, we know it was wrong to take them without asking.
Alien 2: We just.. borrowed them because it’s our president’s birthday.

Pinky and the Ice Cream Babies (21.2)


Episode 22 (Season 1)


Mr. Guinea Pig and the Big Bone (22.1)

Pinky: What's wrong, Little Brother?
Tyler: I can't fix all the Moo-Moo Miggy Monsters race track.
Pinky: You mean you can.. (trumpet fanfare) assemble it?
Tyler: I know that word, Pinky. it means to fit all the pieces together.
Pinky: That's right, Tyler.

Mr. Guinea Pig: Can I keep it please? Can I, huh, please?

Mr. Guinea Pig, Superstar (22.2)

Pinky: I'm trying to Call Nicholas & Daffinee said I can come over and Play, But None of them are around. I have nobody to play with.
Mr. Guinea Pig: Really? I will Play. In fact, I'll Play for you.
Narrator: Mr. Guinea Pig has to decide something to cheering up
Tyler: Wait a Minute, Pinky. I know what a.. (trumpet fanfare) ukulele is? Is like a little guitar. It sounded like this.
Pinky: That's right, Little Brother.

Episode 23 (Season 1)


Pinky and the Pink Phenomenon (23.1)

Mr. Guinea Pig: It's a Pink Nightmare!
Pinky: I know, I know. I don't like pink! I don't want to see... [A pink taxi splashed Pinky, Tyler, and Mr. Guinea Pig with pink water. Pinky, Tyler, and Mr. Guinea Pig got all wet.] more pink!
Narrator: Now Pinky was really upset. So upset that her face turned pink, and pink steam was coming out of her ears.
Pinky: (Sadly) Pink! We've got to figure out this pink... (trumpet fanfare) phenomenon.

Two Wheel Dreams (23.2)

Daffinee: Sorry. It's not my fault. Mitsy's out of control!

Tyler: Ok, it's time for me to think big!
Announcer: Stand back everyone, Tyler's about to think big!
Tyler: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Mr. Guinea Pig: Come on, Tyler, Think! Woah!
Narrator: And then it happened, Tyler had a big idea.
Tyler: Wee!
Narrator: Tyler Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Episode 24 (Season 1)


Go to Bed, Tyler! (24.1)

Genie: Your Wish is my Command, Abra-ca-dabra, abra-ca-zed. Look out everybody, there goes your bed!

Tyler: Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Genie: Come on, Tyler, Think!
Narrator: And then it happened, Tyler had a big idea.
Tyler: Wee!
Narrator: Tyler Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Mr. Guinea Pig's Loose Tooth (24.2)

Narrator: So they decide to visit the Tooth Fairy.
Bobby Boom: But How are we gonna get there?
Pinky: The Tooth Fairy is inside a Tooth Shaped Castle. Right in the center of a great big.. (trumpet fanfare) labyrinth.
Tyler: Wait a Minute, Pinky. I know what that means. A.. (trumpet fanfare) Labyrinth is a great big Twisty Turney maze just like this.
Pinky: That's right, Tyler.

Episode 25 (Season 1)


Think Pink (25.1)

Granny: Or maybe I should Think Big!
Nicholas: Think Big? what's that?
Granny: You'll see. ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Nicholas: Come on, Granny Dinky Doo, Think!
Saber-toothed Guinea Pig: (screams) PINK!!
Granny: Wee!
Narrator: That gave Great-Grandma Dinky Doo her very 1st big idea. And she knew just what to do.

Tyler's First Flight (25.2)

Gus: A little guy like me, has no place in a great big sky.

Episode 26 (Season 1)


Pinky and the Castle of Cards (26.1)


Daddy's Special Shirt (26.2)

Mr. Lintrap: My whirligig washing machine is going crazy, and I can't get anything clean!

Episode 1 (Season 2)


Pinky Thinky Doo! (1.1)

Pinky: Give me all your monkeys. Go fish!
Tyler: But I don't wanna go!
Pinky: Huh! What's wrong little brother? Where don't you want to go?
Tyler: Soccer Practice. I don't wanna go.
Pinky: But Tyler, You love soccer, You live for soccer. You even had a Soccer ball pillow on your bed.
Tyler: Yeah, Well...
Pinky: What happened? Yesterday you couldn't wait to get to Soccer Practice.
Tyler: I know, Pinky. But Yesterday when I went to practice, I found out that I'm no Good.
Pinky: No Good? No Way!
Tyler: Yes Way! I wasn't the fastest runner, I couldn't kick the ball, And I forget that I wasn't use my hands. I'm Terrible. I Quit.
Pinky: Mmm... You sound (trumpet fanfare) discouraged.
Tyler: That means I'm Feeling like I'm Not Good Enough.

Mommy Dinky Doo: I think so too, Pinky. What are you waiting for? Let her rip! ♪ If you have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ You think and think and think and think, and suddenly You know! ♪ Come on, Pink, Think!

Big Brain Block (1.2)

Pinky: Wait a minute Tyler. I really don't like pink. I know, I know. My hair is pink, and my name's pinky, but I Don't... like... PINK! (duck quacks)

Queen Pinky: Hmm, Looks like it's time for me to Think Big! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Daffinee & Nicholas: [together] Come on, Queen Pink, Think!
Tyler as Narrator: And then it happened, Queen Pinky had a big idea.
Queen Pinky: Wee!
Tyler as Narrator: Queen Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Episode 2 (Season 2)


Tooting Trunk (2.1)

Tyler: Tyler Dinky Doo is at the Goal line! Tyler Score
Pinky: Hey! Tyler.
Tyler: The crowd goes wild. Whoo-hoo!
Pinky: Tyler, I'm trying to concentrate. Could take your soccer ball Outside?
Tyler: But it's Raining Out.
Pinky: Hmm. Well, Do you wanna color with me? Soccer in the house is kind of (trumpet fanfare) disruptive.
Tyler: Wait a minute, Pinky. I know what (trumpet fanfare) disruptive means. That's when you bothered someone when they're trying to do something else.

In the Dark (2.2)

Pinky: Wait a minute, Tyler. Your Moo-Moo Miggy Monsters are favorite.
Tyler: I like miggies, but I don't like going to the Movie Theaters.
Pinky: Really. How Come?
Tyler: They're Big, Loud, and Dark, Dark, Dark.
Pinky: Hmm.. You're Scared?
Tyler: I'm not scared I'm... (trumpet fanfare) reluctant. That's when someone really, really, really doesn't want to do something.

Narrator: Sir Guinea Pig, the Brave Explorer, had discovered a new land, by day, beautiful and lovely, but then, night fell.
Sir Guinea Pig, the Brave Explorer: Uh-oh, dark! Excuse me.
[Pinky turns on the light with a light switch.]
Narrator: Sir Guinea Pig, the Brave, looked... a little nervous.
Sir Guinea Pig, the Brave Explorer: Oh, look at the time. Methinks I'll go and be brave under my bed.
Narrator: With the dark, dark, darkness, Brave Sir Guinea Pig became... (trumpet fanfare) reluctant.

Sir Guinea Pig, the Brave Explorer: She's Not? How Come?
Pinky: Because.. Hit it boys! it's time to Think Big!
Pirates: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪
Pinky: ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Pirates: Come on, Pink, Think!

Episode 3 (Season 2)


Stinky Pinky Doo! (3.1)

Pinky: Tyler, what are you doing?
Tyler: I'm Getting Ready to flush out Johnny's Favorite Cap.
Pinky: Tyler, You can't do that.
Tyler: Oh yeah, Why Not?
Pinky: A: You'll Get in Trouble. B: You'll Stop up the toilet and then Get in trouble. And C: You need to treat others the way you want to treated. And not get into trouble.
Tyler: But, Pinky, He called my super space socks stinky in front of the whole class. Everyone was looking at me.
Pinky: Sounds like you were (trumpet fanfare) mortified.
Tyler: I know that word. That means when I'm feeling really embarrassed because of what Johnny said.

Narrator: At lunchtime, while Nicholas Biscuit was telling jokes...
Nicholas: A duck, he quacks me up! That's not my monkey! What's black and white and red all over? A zebra with a diaper rash.
Narrator: The jokes were so funny that Pinky started laughing really hard.
Pinky: A zebra with a diaper rash!
Narrator: And then it happened. Daffinee got a whiff of Pinky's breath.
Daffinee: Whew, someone's breath smells like an old garbage truck.
Nicholas: Is that what that is?
Bobby: Wow, I thought a skunk got in the school.
Narrator: Pinky suddenly realized that it was her bad breath, but hoped that no one knew.

Kooky Cook-Off (3.2)

Pinky: What's Up, Little Froggy?
Tyler: My Class is Doing a Play about Frogs
Pinky: Great! How's it Going?
Tyler: Not Great.
Pinky: How Come?
Tyler: Pinky, it's a Big Mess Because no one is working together. I don't sound like a froggy, Jackson's Hogging all the flies, And Lulu Just sits on her lily pad like a Lump.
Pinky: Hmm. Sounds like you three need to (trumpet fanfare) collaborate.
Tyler: I know. That means We need to work together like a team.

Episode 4 (Season 2)


Speed Rocket (4.1)


The Great Biscotti (4.2)

Pinky: Hey, Tyler, How's the Moo-Moo Miggy Mobile Coming Along?
Tyler: Not so Good, Pinky. There are so many pieces and I can't figure out How to put them back together.
Pinky: Hmm. You could ask Daddy he's an... (trumpet fanfare) expert at putting together model cars.
Tyler: Hey, I know what.. (trumpet fanfare) expert means. That's a person who's really, really good at something.

Episode 5 (Season 2)


The Trip Not Taken! (5.1)

Pinky: Hey, Tyler. Are you ready for your last Soccer Game of the year?
Tyler: Yep.
Pinky: Are you excited that Grandma Dinky Doo is coming to watch you play?
Tyler: Yep.
Pinky: I like when Grandma Comes to see us.
Tyler: Yep.
Pinky: Even though it's a-- Hmm, What's that word that means a really long trip?
Tyler: Yep. I know. I think the word is (trumpet fanfare) Journey.

Always Ask First! (5.2)


Episode 6 (Season 2)


Burpzilla (6.1)

♪ If someone's got a problem and has trouble they can't face ♪
♪ Just listen to their problem and put yourself in their place ♪
Mr. Guinea Pig: Come on, Super Duper Doo! (trumpet fanfare) Concentrate!

Happy Burp-Day! (6.2)

Tyler: He's got it. Got it. Got it. Got it!
Pinky: What's Up, Tyler?
Tyler: Got it. It's Jackson's Party Today. He's Got it.
Pinky: He's Got what?
Tyler: Jackson Collects Moo-Moo Miggy Monsters, And I'm Gonna Give him one He doesn't already have.
Pinky: Oh, I get it. You want your present to be... (trumpet fanfare) unique, right?
Tyler: Let me think. (trumpet fanfare) Unique means Something is one of a kind. Yeah!

Episode 7 (Season 2)


Tyler's Story Box Disaster (7.1)


Balloony Feet (7.2)


Episode 8 (Season 2)


Big Blob of Talk (8.1)

Pinky: What's up, Tyler?
Tyler: My teacher Ms. Nifty says I need to be a better listener.
Pinky: Sorry. I wasn't listen, What did you Say?
Tyler: Pinky!
Pinky: Kidding.
Tyler: Ms. Nifty told me that I make too much noise at the lunch table at the cafeteria.
Pinky: So, Do you?
Tyler: Well, yeah. I have to be loud to be heard over the Big Blob of Talk.
Pinky: Do you mean everybody is laughing and shouting and making noises and creating a-- Oh, What's that word that I'm looking for?
Tyler: Do you mean a... (trumpet fanfare) Hullabaloo? That means A lot of noisy excitement.

Pinky: Nicholas, I think it's time for me to listen big! ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I use my ears to listen, and suddenly I know! ♪
Nicholas & Daffinee [together] Listen, Pinky, Listen!

Vicki Chicken (8.2)

Pinky: Woah! Whatcha Doing, Little Brother?
Tyler: I'm trying to make a book out of my finger paintings.
Pinky: What a great Idea.
Tyler: I'm almost done. I Just have to-- (duck quacks) Oh No. No.
Pinky: Take a deep breath, Little Brother. You seem to be-- What's that Word When Someone makes you feel Upset or Confused?
Tyler: Hey, I know that word. It's... (trumpet fanfare) flustered.

Episode 9 (Season 2)


The Thundering Thesaurus (9.1)


The Pinkys Rock (9.2)


Episode 10 (Season 2)


The Mystery Planet (10.1)


Octopus in Tap Shoes (10.2)


Episode 11 (Season 2)


Pinky Dinky Rex (11.1)

Pinky: Hey, Tyler. Why are you Eating Now? I thought you were going to Lulu's house for Dinner.
Tyler: I have to fill up now. Lulu and her family are (trumpet fanfare) vegetarians! Do you know what that means, Pinky?
Pinky: Sure I do, A (trumpet fanfare) vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat any meats.

Puppy-Go-Seek (11.2)


"Tyler" Oh Man!

Pinky: What's wrong, Tyler?
Tyler: I accidentally Hit a button on Mom's computer, And the screen went Kerblooie! (duck quacks)
Pinky: Tyler, calm down. You're not gonna think straight if you (trumpet fanfare) panic.
Tyler: Pinky, I know what (trumpet fanfare) panic means. It means When you're so worried and upset that you feel a little out of control!

Episode 12 (Season 2)


Pop the Corn (12.1)

Tyler: Hey, Pinky! Pinky, You'll never guess what.
Pinky: What's up, Tyler?
Tyler: I supposed to say the whole alphabet out loud in class tomorrow. What am I gonna do?
Pinky: But What's bad about that, Tyler? You know the alphabet.
Tyler: Yeah, But what if when I get up in front of the class, I can't do it or I mess Up? (duck quacks)
Pinky: Oh, I get it. You don't know what's going to happen and you're in-- What's that Word that means The way you but you don't know how something won't turn out?
Tyler: I know! (trumpet fanfare) Suspense!

Mr. Guinea Pig, the Game Show Host: All right. Daffinee, Pinky, and Bobby... Uh-oh! It looks like we need to clear some of this popcorn out of the way! But how should we do it?
Pinky: Should we use a giant vacuum to suck it all up?
Mr. Guinea Pig, the Game Show Host: Nah, too vacummy.
Daffinee: Should we pour caramel over it and make it into a giant popcorn ball?
Mr. Guinea Pig, the Game Show Host: Nah, too sticky.

Mr. Guinea Pig, the Game Show Host: As I was saying, it's time for the final question. Pinky, if you get this question right, you'll win! What is the main ingredient in corn patties in corny sauce with a side of corn?
Narrator: But Pinky was too nervous. This was just too much... (trumpet fanfare) suspense. She couldn't think of the right answer. Pinky Dinky Doo knew it was time to think big.
Mr. Guinea Pig, the Game Show Host: Stand back, studio audience! Pinky's gonna think big!

Lord of the Pies (12.2)

Narrator: So they took just a tiny taste at first of coconut clambo cream pie. And boy, was it fantastic!
[Pinky and Nicholas are eating a coconut clambo cream pie while Pinky and Nicholas are eating a blueberry pie.]
(pig snorts)
(chicken clucks)
Nicholas: Man, I'm full. I hope it's okay that we broke the chief's rule.
Pinky: That rule seemed kind of... (trumpet fanfare) arbitrary, didn't it?
Nicholas: Yeah, I bet the chief just made that rule up for no reason. (hiccup) [Nicholas has hiccups.]
Pinky: Whoa, Nicholas! That was a really loud... (hiccup) [Pinky has hiccups.] What's making us... (hiccup)
Nicholas: I can't (hiccup) think of a single reason.
Pinky: Yeah, it's so... (trumpet fanfare) arbitrary.
Narrator: Just then, they saw the chief coming.
Nicholas: Oh, no! He's gonna be mad that we broke the rule!
Pinky and Nicholas: HIDE!!!
Narrator: So, Pinky and Nicholas hid.
Pinky: What do we do now?
Nicholas: I don't know! I can't stop... [Pinky and Nicholas can't stop hiccuping.] Somebody do something!
Narrator: Pinky Dinky Doo knew that it was time to think big.
Nicholas: I'd better look out, Pinky's gonna think big!

Episode 13 (Season 2)


Great Big Nature (13.1)

Pinky: Mommy and Daddy Dinky Doo want to know if we want to go to the park.
Tyler: I can't Pinky, I'm very busy.
Pinky: Tyler, you've already seen that show about a zillion times.
Tyler: Yeah.
Pinky: Don't You Want To Go Outside And Play? We Can Go for a Walk and Maybe have an-- Oh, What's that word that means Doing Something Exciting where Anything can Happen?
Tyler: I know. (trumpet fanfare) Adventure.

Monkey Town (13.2)

Monkey Mommy: Oh, little monkeys, time for bed!
Monkey Pinky: Good night, Coco Monkey Doll.
Monkey Tyler: Good night. See you in the monkey morning.
Tyler: Pinky.
[Day becomes night in Monkey Town.]
(wolf howls)
Pinky: Yeah?
Tyler: You sure say "monkey" a lot!
Pinky: That's because my story's about monkeys.
Tyler: Oh, okay.
[Night becomes day in Monkey Town.]
(rooster crows)
Narrator: The next morning, Big Sister Monkey and Baby Monkey raced to the beach.

Episode 14 (Season 2)


Loch Mess Lobster (14.1)


Super Doo and Traffic Too (14.2)

Pinky: Hmm, I think it's time for me to connect! ♪ If someone's got a problem and has trouble they can't face ♪ ♪ Just listen to their problem and put yourself in their place ♪
Mr. Guinea Pig: Come on, Super Duper Doo, concentrate!
Pinky: Whoo! Wee!
Narrator: And all of sudden, Super Duper Doo got a big idea. Super Duper Doo knew just what to do.

Episode 15 (Season 2)


The Two Daffinees (15.1)


Hot Hot Hot (15.2)


Episode 16 (Season 2)


The Legend of Big Blue (16.1)


Ponytail Power (16.2)


Episode 17 (Season 2)


Pinky's Perfect Present (17.1)

Nicholas: Woah! it sure is pink.
Pinky: I know, I know. My hair is pink. and my name is pinky. but I Don't... like... PINK! (duck quacks) but I don't wanna hurt P. Piddy's feelings I just need to find the way to be (trumpet fanfare) gracious, Oh man, what we will do?

Pinky Squeaks (17.2)


Episode 18 (Season 2)


Great Big Bean Festival (18.1)


Are You My Mummy? (18.2)


Episode 19 (Season 2)


Tyler's Silly Shirt (19.1)


Pinky's Missing Page (19.2)


Episode 20 (Season 2)


Tipsy Topsy (20.1)


Growing Up Stretchy (20.2)

Pinky: That's exactly right, Let's look. Was it "Earmuff Pinky"?
Earmuff Pinky: Cozy ears.
Pinky: "Director Pinky"?
Director Pinky: Lights, camera, actorooni!
Pinky: "Farmer Pinky"?
Farmer Pinky: E-I-E-I-O.
Pinky: "Sherlock Pinky"?
Sherlock Pinky: A-ha! A clue.

Episode 21 (Season 2)


Squeedorp Grand (21.1)

Narrator: So Pinky, Daffinee, Nicholas, and Tyler started hiking. It was really hard because they were carrying so much stuff.
Daffinee: I think my backpack is getting heavier.
Pinky: Man, who would've thought crayons could be so heavy?
Nicholas: Maybe... Ms. Zero was right.
Tyler: Ugh, all my miggy monsters don't seem so... (trumpet fanfare) essential anymore.
Ms. Zero: Looks like you guys need to take a break.
Daffinee: Are we there yet?
Mommy Dinky Doo: Sorry, but we're only halfway there.

The Pinky-Riffic Hat (21.2)

Pinky: Now that's something you don't see every day. Hi, Ms. Zerogoblot.
Ms. Zero: Well, hello, Pinky Dinky Doo!
Pinky: That hat's really different. It's so... (trumpet fanfare) quirky.
Ms. Zero: What? Oh, this old thing? Why, everyone on Squeedorp Prime has one.
Alien #1: Morning!
Alien #2: Morning!
Ms. Zero: I can't wait to see your hat, Pinky. I know it'll be... (trumpet fanfare) quirky. See you at school!

Pinky: That's exactly right, Let's look. Was it "Astronaut Pinky"?
Astronaut Pinky: Boldly go and explore.
Pinky: "Quirky Hat Pinky"?
Quirky Hat Pinky: I'm Pinky-Riffic!
Pinky: "Farmer Pinky"?
Farmer Pinky: E-I-E-I-O.
Pinky: "Sherlock Pinky"?
Sherlock Pinky: A-ha! A clue.

Episode 22 (Season 2)


Tyler and the 4 M's (22.1)


A Promise is a Promise (22.2)

Narrator: Trusty Tyler was a great helper. Everyone said Trusty Tyler was the most... (trumpet fanfare) dependable puppy wrangler they ever had. [Day becomes night in Giddyupy Puppy Ranch.] Until one day... [Night becomes day in Giddyupy Puppy Ranch.]
(rooster crows)
Tyler: Okay, cute frisky puppies. Are you ready for your... Huh?

Tyler: Pinky, are you gonna Think Big?
Pinky: You got it, Little Brother. ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Tyler: Come on, Pink, Think!
Pinky: Wee!
Narrator: And then it happened, Pinky had a big idea. Pinky Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Episode 23 (Season 2)


What's Bugging Tyler (23.1)

Baby Purple Dragon: Mommy!
Mommy Purple Dragon: My baby!
Pinky: Bye-bye, little dragon.
Baby Purple Dragon: Bye-bye, Pinky. Thank you for taking me back to my own... (trumpet fanfare) environment.
Pinky: We'll miss you, dragon.
Mommy Purple Dragon: Don't worry, you'll see him again when you come back to play Jungle Bungle Ball. Dragons love that!

Mr. Guinea Pig's Museum (23.2)


Episode 24 (Season 2)


Teeny Weeny Waste (24.1)

Mr. Guinea Pig: I don't suppose it got it from, GREAT BIG LAKE!!!

Mayor Flip-flop: Somebody do Something!
Narrator: So Super Duper Doo knew that is time to Think Big!
Tyler Tornado: Stand back Mr. G, Super Duper Doo is gonna Think Big!
Super Duper Doo: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Tyler Tornado & Mr. G: [together] Come on, Pink, Think!
Super Duper Doo: Wee!
Narrator: And then it happened, Super Duper Doo had a big idea. Super Duper Doo knew just what to do.

Pinky and the Duck (24.2)


Miss Duckfeet: Okay, who’s the artist?

Nicholas: (laughs) (gasps)

Miss Duckfeet: Nicholas Biscuit, please see me when we’re back at the classroom.

Nicholas: But, but…

Miss Duckfeet: Nicholas.

Pinky: Miss Duckfeet had heard Nicholas laugh and thought that he had drawn the… (trumpet fanfare) doodle.

Nicholas: Oh, man!

Pinky: I don’t want Nicholas to get in trouble and I don’t want Miss Duckfeet to be upset. I just wasn’t really paying attention to what I was drawing. Somebody should do something! Oh! Wait a minute, that would be me!

Episode 25 (Season 2)


Great Big New Year (25.1)


Pinky's Happy Doo Year (25.2)


Episode 26 (Season 2)


Pinky's Silliest Story (26.1)

Narrator: So Pinky, Tyler, and Mr. Guinea Pig blasted off for the moon.

Pinky: I just remembered that this made-up story is totally... (trumpet fanfare) random, and we can do anything we want! Ready?
All: And that's exactly what happened, pretty much, the end.

Tyler's Big Idea (26.2)

Narrator: Okay, so one day in Great Big Science Laboratory, Pinky and Tyler were visiting their good friend Professor Boom.

Professor Boom: Woah! Pinky, look at Tyler!
Tyler: Woah! [soon as Tyler's head start to go big]
Pinky: Stand back professor, Tyler gonna use his... (trumpet fanfare) imagination and think big!
Tyler: ♪ If I have a problem, don't know which way to go, ♪ ♪ I think and think and think and think, and suddenly I know! ♪
Pinky, Professor Boom & Mr. Guinea Pig: Think, Tyler, Think!
Tyler: Woah! Wee!
Narrator: And then it happened, Tyler had a big idea.
Tyler: Woo-hoo!
Narrator: Tyler Dinky Doo knew just what to do.

Pinky: First, Tyler couldn't think of a story, then he had his big idea, then we went into Tyler's imagination. And that's exactly how it happened, pretty much. [Mr. Guinea Pig turns off the video game.] I'd love making up stories, and I bet you can make up a story too.
[Last lines in the series]


  • India Ennenga - Pinky Dinky Doo (Season 1-2)
  • Wilmer Valderrama - Tyler Dinky Doo (Season 1-2)
  • John Roberts - Mr. Guinea Pig (Season 1)
  • Heather Dilly - Mommy Dinky Doo (Season 1)
  • Jim Jinkins - Daddy Dinky Doo (Season 1-2)
  • Justin Riordan - Nicholas Biscuit (Season 1)
  • Kalif Jenkins - Bobby Boom (Season 1)
  • Carolina Hernandez - Daffinee Toilette (Season 1)

Season 2 cast

  • John Rogers - Mr. Guinea Pig
  • Lindsie Van Winkle - Mommy Dinky Doo
  • Nika Futterman - Nicholas Biscuit
  • Ralph Peavy - Bobby Boom
  • Anabelle Berrido - Daffinee Toilette
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