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PAW Patrol (season 10)

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PAW Patrol: Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 / Specials (Main) | Movies: PAW Patrol: The Movie / The Mighty Movie / The Dino Movie | Spin-offs: Rubble & Crew (s1, s2, s3)

PAW Patrol (2013–present) is a Canadian animated children's television series that airs on Nickelodeon, which is about a young boy who leads a crew of search and rescue dogs are called on missions to protect the shore side community of Adventure Bay and surrounding areas.

Episode 1


Pups Save the Wacky Water Skiers


Pups Save the Mayor's Assistant


Episode 2


Pups Save a High-Flying Hen


Pups Save a Sloth


Episode 3


Jungle Pups: Pups Find a Hidden Jungle


Episode 4


Pups Save a Windswept Polar Bear Cub


Pups Save a Drive-In


Episode 5


Pups Save Their Digi Tal Friends


Pups Save the Rainbow


Episode 6


Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Big, Big Animals


Episode 7


Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Meerkat Pirates


Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Hum-Hippo


Episode 8


Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Golden Sweetie


Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Giant Ants


Episode 9


Pups Stop a Gold Finding Machine


Pups Help Mayor Humdinger Out of a Jam


Episode 10


Liberty's Mountain Rescue

Everest: Jake, would it be all right if Liberty and Skye stay for a sleepover?
Jake: I'm totally cool with that.
Everest: Yes! Now we can play Pup Pup Boogie all night!
[Jake looks at Everest with a raised eyebrow]
Skye: Or at least until 8:00.

Liberty: Woo-hoo! Now this puppy's gotta fly!
Skye: Hey, that's what I always say! [chuckles] Isn't flying the best?

Skye: Ready?
Liberty: Nope, I was born ready.

Ryder: Way to make an entrance, Liberty.
Liberty: Thanks! How can I help, Ryder?

Liberty: Left! Right! Left! Left! Phew! Weaving around these trees is like weaving through traffic in Adventure City! Left! Right! Deer? Chipmunk? Okay, maybe a little different than Adventure City.

Francois: [laughing] That was magnifique, but let's not ever do it again.
Liberty: [laughs] Good idea. It was kind of fun, but mostly... [screams]
[Liberty and Francios started laughing]

Everest: It's sound like a great night for a...
Skye, Everest and Liberty: ...Pup, Pup, Boogie sleepover! [started dancing]

Pups Save a Flying Farmer Yumi


Episode 11


Pups Stop the Falling Space Junk


Pups Stop the Giant Cuckoo


Episode 12


Pups Save a Hum-ñata


Pups Stop the Foggy Skies


Episode 13


Mighty Pups vs. The Mayor of the Universe

Nano: Junior Patrol...
Mini: ...is on...
Tot: ..a...
The Junior Patrollers: ...roll!

Episode 14


Charger's Christmas Adventure


Pups Save Great Uncle Smiley's Cup


Episode 15


Pups Save a Baby Caribou


Pups Save Luke and His Luke-Alike


Episode 16


Mighty Pups vs. The Big Chill


Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Cheetah


Episode 17


Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Queen

[Ryder pulls a button on his pup-pad as the pups' pup-tags light up and beep]
Ryder: Mighty Pups, to the Lookout!
Pups: Ryder needs us!
[Marshall trips over a box of pup treats]
Marshall: Whoa!
[The pups gather in the Lookout's elevator]
Rocky: Uh-oh!
Zuma: Look out!
Marshall: Whoa!!! [crashes into the other pups] Have no fear, my royal [his tail has paper crowns] rear is here!
[The pups started laughing]

Mighty Pups Stop the Hiccups

[After a giant balloon has popped, multiple Nanos in Town Hall revert into two. They both walk out of the door]
Nano: [giggles] Thanks for the laugh, everyone.
Nano Clone 1: Town Hall's all yours.
[Both Nanos revert into one]
Nano: [giggles] Check it out! I'm me again! [Mini and Tot hug him]
Liberty: And that's plenty for us. [takes the crystal off Nano's hat and tosses it to Ryder]
Ryder: Thanks, Liberty.

Episode 18


Pups Save a Disappearing Flounder


Pups Save Little Grandpa and Mr. Alex


Episode 19


Pups Save the Elephant Spa


Pups Save an Underwater Otis


Episode 20


Pups vs. the Hum-Flectors


Pups Save a Capybara


Episode 21


Cat Pack: Pups & Cats Save HumCatDingerMan


Pups Save a Turbot Tournament


Episode 22


Pups Save a Talkative Mini Patrol


Pups Save the History of Adventure Bay


Episode 23


Rescue Wheels: Pups Save Adventure Bay!


Episode 24


Pups Save a Runaway Robot Chicken Purse


Pups Save the Buggy Trekkers


Episode 25


Pups Take in a Runaway Kitty!


Pups Save the Cheese Goat!


Episode 26


Rescue Wheels: Pups vs. the Monster Mayor
