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God the Father

Amen (/ˌɑːˈmɛn/ or /ˌeɪˈmɛn/; Hebrew: אָמֵן, Modern amen Tiberian ʾāmēn; Greek: ἀμήν; Arabic: آمين‎, ʾāmīn; "So be it; truly") is a declaration of affirmation found in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.


Saint Teresa of Avila:I had many friends to help me to fall; but as to rising again, I was so much left to myself, that I wonder now I was not always on the ground. I praise God for His mercy; for it was He only Who stretched out His hand to me. May He be blessed for ever! Amen.
God the Father on his throne
Jesus giving Peter "the keys of the kingdom of heaven", (Matthew 16:18),[16].
  • For all the promises of God in him [Jesus Christ] are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
    • Bible, in “The Promise of Provision: Living and Giving from God's Abundant Supply (1 October 2011)”, p. 30
  • Amen I say unto you, unless you turn and become a little child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
    • Jesus, Mathew 18:2-4, called a child and placed it amidst people and then addressed them. Quoted in “Thinking Outside the Church: 110 Ways to Connect with Your Spiritual Nature (2004)”, p. 233

Amen in Catholic Encyclopedia

Catechism of the Council of Trent:So frequent was this Hebrew in the mouth of Our Saviour that it pleased the Holy Ghost to have it perpetuated in the Church of God.

Catholic Encyclopedia, in Amen

  • Cursed be he that honoureth not his father and mother, and all the people shall say Amen.
  • Amen is a ratification by the people of what has been spoken, and it may be interpreted in our language as if they all said: May it so be done as the priest has prayed.
    • Expositio Missæ by Gerbert (Men. Lit. Alere, II, 276)
  • …in the Churches of the East Amen is still commonly said after the form of baptism, sometimes by the bystanders, sometimes by the priest himself. In the prayers of exorcism it is the person exorcised who is expected to say "Amen", and in the conferring of sacred orders, when the vestments, etc., are given to the candidate by the bishop with some prayer of benediction, it is again the candidate who responds, just as in the solemn blessing of the Mass the people answer in the person of the server.
  • As soon as the common prayers are ended and they (the Christians) have saluted one another with a kiss, bread and wine and water are brought to the president, who receiving them gives praise to the Father of all things by the Son and Holy Spirit and makes a long thanksgiving (eucharistian epi poly) for the blessings which He has vouchsafed to bestow upon them, and when he has ended the prayers and thanksgiving, all the people that are present forthwith answer with acclamation 'Amen'.
  • The word Amen occurs not infrequently in early Christian inscriptions, and that it was often introduced into anathemas and gnostic spells. Moreover, as the Greek letters which form Amen according to their numerical values total 99 (alpha=1, mu=40, epsilon=8, nu=50), this number often appears in inscriptions, especially of Egyptian origin, and a sort of magical efficacy seems to have been attributed to its symbol.

In Islam

"Amen" in Arabic
  • It is a known fact (well almost) that this word can be found nowhere in the Quran. So why do the traditional Muslims hold such importance to a word that is not even mentioned in the final scripture? Yes, you guessed right, this word can be found in Hadith, the second source of religious (dis)information for the traditional Muslims after the Quran.
  • When the Imam says: Ghair-il-Maghdubi 'Alaihim Walad-Dallin [i.e. not the path of those who earn Your anger, not the path of those who went astray ' (1:7)], then you must say, 'Amin', for if one's utterance of 'Amin' coincides with that of the angels then his past sins will be forgiven.
    • In "The History of Amen"

See also

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