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User:Claretoon/Books/History of Medicine

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History of Medicine

History of medicine
Prehistoric medicine
Medicine man
Ancient Egyptian medicine
Edwin Smith Papyrus
Ebers Papyrus
Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus
Ramesseum medical papyri
Hearst papyrus
London Medical Papyrus
Brugsch Papyrus
Carlsberg papyrus
Chester Beatty Medical Papyrus
Brooklyn Papyrus
Erman Papyrus
Leiden Papyrus
Leyden papyrus X
Qar (doctor)
Traditional Chinese medicine
Zhang Zhongjing
Hua Tuo
Sun Simiao
Zhang Yuansu
Li Shizhen
The body in traditional Chinese medicine
Ancient Greek medicine
Hippocratic Corpus
On Ancient Medicine
Hippocratic Oath
Galenic corpus
Galenic formulation
Medicine in ancient Rome
Pedanius Dioscorides
Soranus of Ephesus
Medical community of ancient Rome
Byzantine medicine
Medicine in the medieval Islamic world
Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi
The Canon of Medicine
Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari
'Ali ibn al-'Abbas al-Majusi
Ibn al-Nafis
Ibn Zuhr
Anatomy Charts of the Arabs
Medical Encyclopedia of Islam and Iran
Medieval medicine of Western Europe
Andreas Vesalius
De humani corporis fabrica
William Harvey
Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus
Ambroise Paré
Timeline of medicine and medical technology
History of anatomy
Mondino de Liuzzi
Alessandro Achillini
Antonio Benivieni
History of anatomy in the 19th century
Samuel Thomas von Sömmerring
Marie François Xavier Bichat
Henry Gray
Anatomy Act 1832
History of surgery
William Cheselden
William Hunter (anatomist)
John Hunter (surgeon)
Percivall Pott
Astley Cooper
James Syme
Ignaz Semmelweis
Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister
Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery
Louis Pasteur
Wilhelm Röntgen
Robert Liston
History of general anesthesia
History of hospitals
History of pharmacy
History of pathology
Giovanni Battista Morgagni
Carl von Rokitansky
Rudolf Virchow
Julius Friedrich Cohnheim
Women in medicine
London School of Medicine for Women
Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women
Sophia Jex-Blake
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Obstetric Hospital
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
South London Hospital for Women and Children
Eleanor Davies-Colley
Maud Chadburn
Trota of Salerno
Hildegard of Bingen
Dorothea Erxleben
James Barry (surgeon)
Lovisa Åhrberg
Amalia Assur
Ann Preston
Elizabeth Blackwell
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
Lucy Hobbs Taylor
Madeleine Brès
Nadezhda Suslova
Frances Hoggan
Edith Pechey
Mary Scharlieb
Margaret Cleaves
Ogino Ginko
Aletta Jacobs
Hope Bridges Adams Lehmann
Kadambini Ganguly
Annie Lowrie Alexander
Elsie Inglis
Anandi Gopal Joshi
Susan La Flesche Picotte
Emma Willits
Vera Gedroitz
Maria Montessori
Florence R. Sabin
Hannah Myrick
Yoshioka Yayoi
Marie Equi
Laura Esther Rodriguez Dulanto
Muthulakshmi Reddi
Matilde Hidalgo
Virginia Apgar
Badri Teymourtash
Kathryn Stephenson
Jane Elizabeth Hodgson
Nancy Dickey
Nancy Andrews (biologist)
History of nursing
Phoebe (biblical figure)
Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul
Florence Nightingale
Notes on Nursing
Mary Seacole
Agnes Jones
Linda Richards
Clara Barton
Nurses Registration Act 1901
Ellen Dougherty
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Timeline of nursing history