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Interlingual Energizers/Impulse chain

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amount 1-2
language level (medium)
age 6+
group size two groups of min 5 participants
materials nothing special for the basic version, see extensions
space free space, either indoors or outdoors
time 15 min
teambuilder, energizer in breaks of workshops

The activity Impulse chain (Deutsch: Impulskette) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The rules is also available in 1 other languages: Deutsch

  1. Let's build two teams.
  2. The teams stand in two lines facing each other.
  3. Please grab the hands of your neighbor.
  4. I'll give the two people at the beginning of the chain an impulse. You have to pass it to your neighbor as fast as possible.
  5. When the impulse reaches the end of the chain, you (the person at the end) runs to the target.
  6. The team which is first at the target wins a point.

End of the Game

The end of the game is also available in 1 other languages: Deutsch

You got three points. You won. Congratulations!

Possible extensions

  • In a more advanced version the groups don't stand hand in hand but all facing the target. At the target a three things in different colors (e.g. a green, a blue and a red ball). Instead of giving an impulse you touch either the left shoulder, the right shoulder or the head of the person at the beginning of the chain. They have to pass on this sign to the end of the chain. The person at the end runs to one of the balls. The teams only score points if they are the first at the right ball.
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