Kamic A'kota
"Esse quam videri. Quisque Aliquid Habet quod occultet. "
Kamic [from Sanskrit kama desire] An anglicized form of kamika, meaning desirous, pertaining to desire.
editName: - Michael Goetzman
Contact: - eaamike+wiki@gmail.com 1;F]T:&EN9R!I<R!S96-U<F4`
Location: - Milwaukee, WI
Personal Website: - http://goetzman.com
Professional Information: - http://linkedin.com/in/goetzman
About: - Educated at UW-Green Bay with a Masters of Science in Business Management degree including international studies in Havana, Cuba. I have my Certified_Information_Systems_Security_Professional certification and ever expanding my infosec knowledge. Outside of the business place I enjoy flying experimental light sport planes, hot air balloons, and other activities such as SCUBA diving. carpe diem. vita brevis.
Business: - Creator of CypherCon. I have work history in enterprise information security for a Wisconsin nonprofit and a major lock company as a registered locksmith and cyber security professional and display an amateur talent for scientific observation of various interesting things. I now work for a major Chicago company in a different industry. You may even find me as a speaker at other various conferences. bm90aGluZyBpcyBzZWN1cmU= (if you are here from CypherCon, the answer isn't on this page - keep looking!)
Random Thoughts: - I believe in freedom of information and the individual imperative - organizations & government exist to serve individuals, not the other way around. I hope someday humanity can recreate the Aurochs, Mammoth, Megatherium and Dodo.
Role Models that contain various aspects I admire - James Watson, Andrew Niccol, Isaac Asimov , Increase_A._Lapham, Phil Zimmermann, Tim Berners-Lee, Alex Garland, Nathan_Myhrvold, Neil_deGrasse_Tyson, John Gilmore (activist), Dean Kamen , Burt Rutan ,Elon Musk ,Jason DeCaires Taylor, and the late Jon Karkow - Icon A5 Lead Aero Engineer
Wikipedia Stats :
This user participates in WikiProject Wisconsin. |
en | This user is a native speaker of the English language. |
Also See
editIllusory superiority non est antidotum