To Dawnbreak is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. Queen Ayrenn sends the Vestige to Dawnbreak to speak to Sinyon and make sure it is safe. When the Vestige gets there, Estre has already devastated the town.
I revealed High Kinlady Estre is the Veiled Queen. Queen Ayrenn wants me to make sure Dawnbreak is safe for her to continue her campaign.
- Talk to Canonreeve Sinyon in Dawnbreak
Upon completing "The Veil Falls" and exposing High Kinlady Estre, Queen Ayrenn will tell you that her campaign will next lead her to Dawnbreak, but that the Canonreeve there supports the Veiled Heritance. She will ask you to head there and make sure everything goes right.
Head to Dawnbreak and speak with Canonreeve Sinyon there to finish the quest.
This section is missing a journal entry.