Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

This One's a Classic is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.


Laughs-at-All is struggling to understand humor. He heard a rumor about a sacred Dark Elf performance from the distant past.

Quick walkthrough[]

  1. Find Clue to Opening Performance
  2. Find Clue to Follow-Up Performance
  3. Find Clue to Closing Performance
  4. Choose:
    • Give Laughs-at-All the Performance Notes (Laughs-at-All dies)
    • Don't tell Laughs-at-All about the Performance (Laughs-at-All lives)




  • 73–302 Gold


Journal Entry

Laughs-at-all is struggling to understand humor. He heard a rumor about a secret Dark Elf performance from the distant past.


The ghosts made it clear that if someone performed the rite incorrectly, he would be killed. I must decide whether to tell Laughs-at-All about the performance and let him die. If I keep it a secret, that could save his life.


  • This quest is unique in that it will actually tell you that your actions will result in Laughs-at-All will die if you tell him.
