This page is an archive of a community-wide discussion. This page is no longer live. Further comments should be made on its Talk Page or new Consensus track pages rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. Please do not modify it.
Blademaster Jauffre – The OOG references and OOG template – (User who proposed this agenda did not attend: Was not discussed)
Timeoin – Question regarding loot options for infoboxes, specifically "scraps". – (User who proposed this agenda did not attend: Was not discussed)
The Crusader of Truth – Mention creating category for Timeline redirects in the near future, as 187ish redirect pages exist for that.
The Crusader of Truth – Legends card infobox formatting.
Kora Stormblade – Protecting all category pages from anon edits.
The Crusader of Truth – Discussing autoleads on pages (Minor discussion hopefully)
A category page for timeline redirects has been approved.
Protecting category pages from edits by anonymous users has been approved.