Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
This page is an archive of a community-wide discussion. This page is no longer live. Further comments should be made on its Talk Page or new Consensus track pages rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. Please do not modify it.




  • We decided formally that the interwiki links at the bottom of articles should have a small notice above them to signify their purpose: <!--Interwiki links-->. It isn't visible to readers, and only serves as a marker for editors so that they aren't accidentally removed.
  • We also decided that we would stop using links in quotes, as they can be slightly distracting and frequently place an undue amount of emphasis on a specific word or two in a quote, making it harder to understand the broader meaning of the quote.
  • The Crusader of Truth suggested that we revive the Black Horse Courier, which is a formerly abandoned archive of old wiki and TES announcements. We agreed to do so, and he has since been working on updating it.