Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Solvent Proficiency is an Alchemy passive skill in The Elder Scrolls Online.


  • Rank 1: Allows the Alchemist to use Natural Water and Grease to make Level 3 potions and poisons and Clear Water and Ichor to make Level 10 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Level 1)
  • Rank 2: Allows the Alchemist to use Pristine Water and Slime to make Level 20 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 10)
  • Rank 3: Allows the Alchemist to use Cleansed Water and Gall to make Level 30 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 20)
  • Rank 4: Allows the Alchemist to use Filtered Water and Terebinthine to make Level 40 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 30)
  • Rank 5: Allows the Alchemist to use Purified Water and Pitch-Bile to make CP 10 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 40)
  • Rank 6: Allows the Alchemist to use Cloud Mist and Tarblack to make CP 50 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 48)
  • Rank 7: Allows the Alchemist to use Star Dew and Night-Oil to make CP 100 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 49)
  • Rank 8: Allows the Alchemist to use Lorkhan's Tears and Alkahest to make CP 150 potions and poisons. (Unlocked at Alchemy Rank 50)

