- "I've got my hands full here. Between the farm chores, cultivating my supply of nirnroot and keeping a tight rein on my sister Aduri, there's little time for rest."
- ―Avrusa Sarethi[src]
Smooth Jazbay is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is a miscellaneous quest received from Avrusa Sarethi in Sarethi Farm in which Sarethi will ask the Dragonborn to gather twenty Jazbay Grapes and bring them to her.
- Find 20 Jazbay
- Bring the Jazbay to Avrusa Sarethi
Speak to Avrusa Sarethi at her farm north-west of Riften and east of Ivarstead and she will ask the Dragonborn to gather twenty Jazbay Grapes for her.
- Sounds terrible. Good luck with that. "I don't need luck. I need rest."
- I could help you if you like. "Really? That would be a pleasant change. One of the ingredients I need to cultivate nirnroot are jazbay grapes... the acidic content of the juice is perfect for the soil. I need twenty of them for my current crop."
- "Good luck finding those jazbay grapes, they're very rare."
- I have 20 of those. (If the Dragonborn already has the required items.) "My goodness, how did you ever come by all of those? No matter, I appreciate your generosity."
After finding twenty jazbay grapes, return to Avrusa Sarethi. In return, she offers a few leveled potions as a reward.
Ingredient locations[]
Jazbay Grapes are categorized as a rare ingredient, and apothecary merchants will therefore have a 21% chance of carrying 1–4 samples. Additionally, it may be randomly found only in rare-type apothecary's satchels. Cultist Adepts will also occasionally carry a sample. DR
The following are the approximate locations of where Jazbay Grapes may be harvested or found.
Click to show | ||
Quantity | Location | Hold |
49 | Steamcrag Camp | Eastmarch |
47 | Witchmist Grove | |
35 | Eldergleam Sanctuary | |
33 | The Atronach Stone | |
31 | Bonestrewn Crest | |
26 | Kynesgrove | |
25 | Mistwatch | |
24 | Broken Limb Camp | |
23 | Cronvangr Cave | |
22 | Riverside Shack | |
4 | Niranye's House, Windhelm | |
7 | Vlindrel Hall, Markarth | The Reach |
4 | Broken Tower Redoubt | |
4 | Burguk's Longhouse (cellar) | |
4 | Fellglow Keep | Whiterun |
4 | Largashbur Longhouse | The Rift |
Smooth Jazbay – FreeformSarethiFarm | |
ID | Journal Entry |
20 |
30 |
200 |