Shagora is a character located in Alik'r Desert, Hammerfell, in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Crawling Chaos[]
Shagora has been captured by the Daedra Naluroen.
Crawling Chaos[]
"Curse this darkness! I can't see a thing! Are you another one of Naruloen's illusions? Don't think I'm a fool—I know your tricks! Where is Seqbar?"
- Seqbar and I came to rescue you. "If that's the case, then where is he? No, you're just another one of Naruloen's puppets. But you can't get into my mind! I'll never let you copy my Seqbar!"
- You can't see him? He's right in front of you. "What? Where? Stop lying, illusion! When I get out of this place, I'll torch it, and squish anything that manages to crawl out. Just you wait!"
Crawling Chaos[]
Shagora: "Seqbar! Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" Seqbar: "I'm sorry sweetness … how did we get here again?" Shagora: "Strange … we were in a mine. But we're outside your father's house now …." Seqbar: "Never mind that silly daydream, my dearest." Shagora: "You silly oaf! Oh, I can't stay mad at you, love!"