Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Universal Skyshard Achievement Icon
Main article: Achievements (Online)

Reaper's March Skyshard Hunter is an achievement in The Elder Scrolls Online.


Find all 16 Skyshards in Reaper's March.

  1. East from the solemn eye's shrine.
  2. Where temple became tree-house.
  3. In a smoldering shell.
  4. Overlooking the site of the fall.
  5. Camped on the way to Claw's Strike.
  6. Hidden by a less subtle blade.
  7. Dune's arcane beacon.
  8. Mara's devout frets in view.
  9. Within earshot of the cheering crowd.
  10. Growling, beastly gladiators prowl.
  11. Treasure of the bard's tomb.
  12. Awash in tears underground.
  13. Outlaws strike skooma deals here.
  14. The folly is in passing through quickly.
  15. Moon's light reveals its secrets.
  16. Far beneath a foul manor.


  • 15 Points

