Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I have been a fool, perhaps a mad wizard's tool. Yet after untold ages, I am at last free."
―Mogrus the Dim[src]

Mogrus, normally referred to as Mogrus the Dim, is a guardian of the Labyrinthian's "secret of life," along with his brother Kanen the Wise. Mogrus resides inside his own special domain within the Labyrinthian, the Domain of Mogrus, in Skyrim. Mogrus plays a major role in the main quest of The Elder Scrolls: Arena.

Physical appearance[]

Mogrus is apparently void of a physical being, and resembles that of a spiritual Wraith: his body totally blackened, donning a black crown, glowing red eyes, and a skirt-like piece of clothing. Most of what's left of Mogrus looks deteriorated.



The second part to the third main quest of Arena. Following the successful deciphering of the Elder Scrolls in the Winterhold Mages Guild, the Eternal Champion is given the location of the legendary Labyrinthian. The Champion now must finish the second part in their ten year journey, and claim the second piece of the Staff of Chaos from the twisted corridors of Archmagus Shalidor's Labyrinthian.


Show: Labyrinthian
In the Labyrinthian, Domain of Mogrus:

"I am brother Mogrus, the shade of this hall, cursed to its lengths, from beginning to end. Find me the answer, and a door will I call, fail me but once, and your heart will I rend...

"More beautiful than the face of your God, yet more wicked than a Daemon's forked tongue? Dead men eat it all the time, live men who eat it die slow...

"What is the answer, mortal?"

After answering correctly ("nothing"):

"I have been a fool, perhaps a mad wizard's tool. Yet after untold ages, I am at last free. In the cell next to this lies your reward, the Diamond Key..."

After answering incorrectly:

"Curse you for a fool, and now taste my wrath..."


  • Mogrus possibly hints that Shalidor (the "mad wizard") was partially insane at the time of his imprisonment.

