Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Books (Elsweyr)

Melleron's Journal is a book in The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr.



I'm a rotmeth mer by trade, just like my parents were, and their parents before them. And in Grahtwood, that's a fine business to undertake. After all, what Wood Elf doesn't like a strong cup of rotmeth after a long hunt?

But Elsweyr is an entirely different market. The Khajiit take one whiff of my brew, and off they go. I've tried all sorts of sales pitches and discounts, but have yet to rope in a single customer! They won't even accept a free sample, for Y'ffre's sake.

That's where this new sweet rotmeth brew comes in. All the meaty richness of the original drink, with a sweet undercurrent to satisfy my Khajiiti customers. The brew just needs another few days to ferment. By the time Tarazur and I reach the Stitches, it should be ready for testing.

