Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Marauder.

Marauders are typically found in ruins, forts, and caves. They are similar to bandits, but are generally better-equipped and stronger.


Because they tend to be ready for a fight, it is best to attack them one at a time. Be sure to loot their bodies, since many marauders have fairly good equipment. More often than not, Marauders will carry repair hammers that can be looted off their dead bodies. They are generally outfitted with leveled heavy armor. They will always wear at least a heavy armor cuirass and boots. Common marauders will never wear a helmet. Marauder warlords will usually have an enchanted weapon and wear a helmet, along with enchanted armor.

Marauders and Bandits will fight each other if they meet. This is most common in Rockmilk Cave, and in Fort Nikel, which is just off the Red Ring Road to the west of the Imperial City.



Male Marauder


Melee Marauders are the most commonly found variety, and are armed with leveled swords, generally longswords or claymores, as well as several pieces of heavy armor. All of these low-ranking marauders are either Nords or Orcs.

Marauder Archer[]

Less common then their melee comrades, the Marauder Archers, who are all Argonians and Imperials, are armed with bows and heavy armor, as well as daggers for close-range combat.

Marauder Battlemage[]

The equivalent of Bandit Hedge Wizards, Marauder Battlemages are armed with heavy Armor, light boots, daggers and a potent variety of Destruction, Conjuration and Restoration spells. The ranks of the Marauder Battlemages are filled exclusively by Altmer born under the sign of the Mage.

Marauder Warlord[]

Marauder Warlords are typically found at the end of elven ruins, forts and caves. They will most often have the most complete set of heavy armor. They are the only marauder that will have a helmet. At higher levels, some of their armor pieces will be enchanted, along with their weapon.


Marauders can be encountered at the following locations:

An asterisk (*) next to a location's name indicates that a Marauder warlord may be found in one of this location's zones

