Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Choke and die, Sea Drake! I'll spit on your grave."

Haerdon is an Redguard residing in Saintsport, Stros M'Kai. He is one of Crafty Lerisa's crew and has been captured by the Sea Drakes.


Like Moths to a Candle[]

Help Crafty Lerisa to save her crew from the Sea drakes and Captain Helane and she will join Captain Kaleen and help with the heist.


Like Moths to a Candle[]

"Another torturer from Helane, even uglier than the last one."

Lerisa sent me. I've got a disguise you can use to escape. "I knew she wouldn't leave me to rot! Quick, untie me!

The Sea Drakes spent the past few hours breaking my fingers. I can't wield a sword, but I can still strangle a few on my way out."
Let me untie you.


  • "These Sea Drakes give pirates a bad name. Kill every last one of them you see!" – After freeing him


Haerdon can later be found on Kaleen's ship in Wayrest Docks along with part of her crew. If the Vestige interact with him, they'll find out what he's been up to since leaving Betnikh and Stros M'Kai.


  • "I can't hold a sword yet, but I can hold a book. Perhaps I should find a book that will teach me how to fight with my left hand!"

