Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Gold Raider Mission is one of three Raider Missions in The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey. This quest is given by Yelnicin, the leader of the Gold Raiders in Raider's Nest, who tells the hero to kill Wulfbris, the leader of the Red Raiders.


  • Find Wulbris in the northeast of Raider's Nest.
  • Kill Wulfbris
  • Return to Yelnicin for a reward.

If this quest is taken before the quest "Red Raider Mission," then "Red Raider Mission" becomes inaccessible. The quest "Blue Raider Mission" can still be taken regardless, but if the "Blue Raider Mission" is taken first, the "Gold Raider Mission" cannot be completed.

See also[]
