Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Guild Store Icon

Guild trading is a system in The Elder Scrolls Online that allows items to be sold between characters. When a guild has at least 50 members, those members can list items in a guild store as well as buy items that have been listed from any bank. Note that a portion of the profits made from all sales is deposited into the guild's banked gold, accessible by the guild's leader and other members with permission to make withdrawals. This system allows for secure trade between guild members and provides a consistent source of items and gold for active guilds.

Guild traders[]

Guild Store Listing

A listing of items for sale in a guild store.

Guild traders are characters located throughout Tamriel who can be bid on by guilds to act as public salespersons for their Guild Store. This means the guild's store can be accessed by anyone, not just its members, allowing for wider commerce. Each week, guilds bid on these guild traders, and the highest bidder wins the right to that guild trader's services for the week. In addition to this, items can be traded with members of the same alliance who are in the same fortification in Cyrodiil using the Quartermaster if that particular alliance has captured it.

Prices in guild stores and traders are set by the seller and can vary significantly based on supply, demand, and the individual guild's guidelines or strategies; therefore, savvy trading and a good understanding of the economy can help sellers maximize their profits and get the best deals.


Guilds acquire a trader by making a blind bid on a specific trader against other bidders. Members with the appropriate permissions can go to any desired guild trader and place a bid with the 'Hire a Trader' dialogue option. Because the bidding is blind, it is impossible to know the offers other guilds have made. A guild can bid for up to 10 different traders but can only select one if multiple bids are successful. The gold used to place a bid must be available in the guild's bank and is paid immediately. If the bid is unsuccessful, the gold is refunded. Bidding for traders is available at all times, and the highest bid on Tuesday at 2:00 PM UTC every week retains the trader for the week. If two guild both make the same highest bid, the guild that made the bid first is awarded the trader.

Hiring a guild trader constitutes an investment. Although it may increase a guild's sales potential, the guild must ensure that the sales volume is sufficient to cover the bid's cost. This necessitates a calculated risk, with guilds needing to take into account their members' activity level, the quality and quantity of goods, and the trader's location prior to placing a bid.

List of guild traders[]

Aldmeri Dominion[]

Khenarthi's Roost
Trader Store Location
Dulia Dockside Dealers Mistral
Shamuniz Dockside Dealers Mistral
Trader Store Location
Carillda Carillda's Crates Vulkhel Guard
Cerweriell Skystep Stalls Skywatch Wayshrine
Ferzhela Skystep Stalls Skywatch Wayshrine
Guzg Skystep Stalls Skywatch Wayshrine
Lanirsare Skystep Stalls Skywatch Wayshrine
Panersewen North Road Exchange Firsthold Wayshrine
Renzaiq Skystep Stalls Skywatch Wayshrine
Uraacil Uraacil's Trading Post Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge
Trader Store Location
Bols Thirandus Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Fintilorwe Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Glothozug Golthie's Sellcart Southpoint Wayshrine
Goh Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Iannianith Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Mizul Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Naerorien The Willow's Wares Elden Root Outlaws Refuge
Naifineh Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Nirywy Star-Eyed Stall Cormount Wayshrine
Walks-In-Leaves Trunkshade Traders Elden Root
Trader Store Location
Camyaale The Marbruk Mart Marbruk
Dugugikh Dug's Secure Sales Marbruk Outlaws Refuge
Fendros Faryon The Marbruk Mart Marbruk
Ghobargh The Marbruk Mart Marbruk
Halash Brightside Barter Greenheart Wayshrine
Hasiwen The Marbruk Mart Marbruk
Seeks-Better-Deals Hect-of-a-Sale Verrant Morass Wayshrine
Malabal Tor
Trader Store Location
Galis Andalen Andalen's Confidential Sales Velyn Harbor Outlaws Refuge
Jalaima Trade Post Triumphs Baandari Trading Post
Kharg Kharg's Cart Valeguard Wayshrine
Mani Trade Post Triumphs Baandari Trading Post
Murgrud Trade Post Triumphs Baandari Trading Post
Nindenel Trade Post Triumphs Baandari Trading Post
Teromawen Trade Post Triumphs Baandari Trading Post
Ulyn Marys Crossroad Trading Dra'Bul Wayshrine
Reaper's March
Trader Store Location
Ambarys Teran Crystal Corner Vinedusk Wayshrine
Canda Moonlight Market Rawl'kha
Heat-On-Scales Moonlight Market Rawl'kha
Muheh Moonlight Market Rawl'kha
Ronuril Moonlight Market Rawl'kha
Sharaddargo Sharaddargo's Trading Co. Rawl'kha Outlaws Refuge
Shiniraer Moonlight Market Rawl'kha
Uzarrur The Dune Rise Dealer Dune

Daggerfall Covenant[]

Stros M'Kai and Betnikh
Trader Store Location
Ghatrugh This Orc Reads Books Stonetooth Fortress
Makmargo Makmargo's Merchandise Port Hunding
Trader Store Location
Brara Hlaalo The West Step Stalls Daggerfall
Faedre The West Step Stalls Daggerfall
Khalatah The West Step Stalls Daggerfall
Mogazgur Mogazgur's Mart Wyrd Tree Wayshrine
Murgoz The West Step Stalls Daggerfall
Nameel Redoubtable Deals Lion Guard Redoubt
Sintilfalion The West Step Stalls Daggerfall
Zulgozu Fallen Fates Market Daggerfall Outlaws Refuge
Trader Store Location
Aerchith Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Ah-Zish Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Aniama Bayside Barter Koeglin Village
Atin Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Azarati Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Dromash The Storm Route Stall Firebrand Keep Wayshrine
Essilion Lion's Share Market Wayrest Outlaws Refuge
Estilldo Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Morg Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Tredyn Daram Stormhaven's Trade Coster Wayrest
Trader Store Location
Aldam Urvyn Traitor's Trades Hoarfrost Downs
Bixitleesh Bixitleesh's Bargains Shornhelm Outlaws Refuge
Fanwyearie The Meat Hut Oldgate Wayshrine
Frenidela South Shornhelm Stalls Shornhelm
Roudi South Shornhelm Stalls Shornhelm
Shakh South Shornhelm Stalls Shornhelm
Tendir Vlaren South Shornhelm Stalls Shornhelm
Vorh South Shornhelm Stalls Shornhelm
Alik'r Desert
Trader Store Location
Laknar The Crown's Coaster Sentinel
Lejesha Last Chance Lejesha's Bergama Wayshrine
Manidah Feast of the Sands Morwha's Bounty Wayshrine
Marbilah Marbilah's Mindful Sales Sentinel Outlaws Refuge
Saymimah The Crown's Coaster Sentinel
Uurwaerion The Crown's Coaster Sentinel
Vinder Hlaran The Crown's Coaster Sentinel
Yat The Crown's Coaster Sentinel
Trader Store Location
Arver Falos The Back Alley Market Evermore
Glorgzorgo Glorgzorgo Loves Cheese Hallin's Stand
Kaale The Back Alley Market Evermore
Malirzzaka Culled from the Crypt Bangkorai Pass Wayshrine
Ornyenque Ornyenque's Trading Post Evermore Outlaws Refuge
Tilinarie The Back Alley Market Evermore
Values-Many-Things The Back Alley Market Evermore
Zunlog The Back Alley Market Evermore

Ebonheart Pact[]

Bleakrock Isle and Bal Foyen
Trader Store Location
Galam Seleth Target Trades Dhalmora
Inishez Bleakrock Barter Bleakrock Wayshrine
Trader Store Location
Adagwen Adagwen's Addled Market Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge
Gananith Plaza Trademarket Ebonheart
J'zaraer Plaza Trademarket Ebonheart
Luz Plaza Trademarket Ebonheart
Ma'jidid The Anchor Exchange Kragenmoor
Silver-Scales Plaza Trademarket Ebonheart
Tanur Llervu Ashland Treasures Davon's Watch
Urvel Hlaren Plaza Trademarket Ebonheart
Trader Store Location
Endoriell Mourner's Market Mournhold
Erwurlde Mourner's Market Mournhold
Feran Relenim The Trade Pen Muth Gnaar Hills Wayshrine
Gals Fendyn Mourner's Market Mournhold
Hayaia Mourner's Market Mournhold
Nakmargo The Night Market Mournhold Outlaws Refuge
Razgugul Mourner's Market Mournhold
Telvon Arobar Arobar's Arch Tal'Deic Grounds Wayshrine
Through-Gilded-Eyes Mourner's Market Mournhold
Zarum Mourner's Market Mournhold
Trader Store Location
Emuin The Stormhold Exchange Stormhold
Gasheg The Stormhold Exchange Stormhold
Geeh-Sakka Geeh-Sakka's Scales & Sales Stormhold Outlaws Refuge
Junal-Nakal Fenwalker's Post Weeping Wamasu Falls
Talen-Dum Fen-Stewards's Stop Hissmir
Tar-Shehs The Stormhold Exchange Stormhold
Vals Salvani The Stormhold Exchange Stormhold
Zino The Stormhold Exchange Stormhold
Trader Store Location
Alareth Don't Mess With Elves Voljar Meadery Wayshrine
Alisewen Windsewpt Stalls Windhelm
Celorien Windsewpt Stalls Windhelm
Deras Golathyn Windsewpt Stalls Windhelm
Dosa Windsewpt Stalls Windhelm
Ghogurz Windsewpt Stalls Windhelm
Meden Berendus Berendus' Binding Sales Windhelm Outlaws Refuge
Muslabliz Muslablizs' Booth Fort Amol
The Rift
Trader Store Location
Adainji Treasures, Tribune, and Trade Shor's Stone
Arnyeana Lake Honrich Holdings Riften
Atheval Atheval's Traveling Trades Nimalten
Eralian Lake Honrich Holdings Riften
Jeelus-Lei Lake Honrich Holdings Riften
Llether Nilem Lake Honrich Holdings Riften
Majdawa Majdawa's Majestic Trades Riften Outlaws Refuge
Parvaia Lake Honrich Holdings Riften


Trader Store Location
Balver Sarvani The Hollow Market Hollow City
Harzdak Cart of Contempt Court of Contempt Wayshrine
Nistyniel The Hollow Market Hollow City
Ramzasa The Hollow Market Hollow City
Shuliish Trades-in-Cold-Water Haj Uxith
Virwillaure The Hollow Market Hollow City
Trader Store Location
Donnaelain City's Edge Stalls Belkarth
Glegokh City's Edge Stalls Belkarth
Keen-Eyes City's Edge Stalls Belkarth
Makkhzahr Makkhzahr's Market Belkarth Outlaws Refuge
Mengilwaen City's Edge Stalls Belkarth
Nelvon Galen City's Edge Stalls Belkarth
Shelzaka City's Edge Stalls Belkarth
Shuhasa City's Edge Stalls Belkarth

Chapters and DLC[]

Wrothgar OR
Trader Store Location
Borgrara Frost-Bellows Mercantile Morkul Stronghold
Henriette Panoit Frost-Bellows Mercantile Morkul Stronghold
Jee-Ma Jee-Ma's Stash Orsinium
Lianorien Lianorien's Outpost Orsinium
Logogru Logogru's Goods Orsinium
Mabit Mabit's Bits and Bundles Orsinium
Mervs Sarys Mervs's Hoard Orsinium
Nagrul gro-Stugbaz The Haggler's Wharf Morkul Stronghold
Narkhukulg Narkhukulg's Goods Orsinium Outlaws Refuge
Oorgurn Oorgurn's Emporium Morkul Stronghold
Terorne Terorne's Emporium Orsinium
Hew's Bane TG
Trader Store Location
Dahnadreel Blue Bottle Trading Thieves Den
Farvyn Rethan Dockside Oddments Abah's Landing
Gathewen Sisters-in-Law Stocks Abah's Landing
Qanliz Back-of-the-Boat Specials Abah's Landing
Shiny-Trades Shiny-Trade's Shiny Trades Abah's Landing
Snegbug Snegbug's Specials Abah's Landing
Virwen Sisters-in-Law Stocks Abah's Landing
Gold Coast DB
Trader Store Location
Daynas Sadrano Beachside Brokers Anvil
Erluramar Trader's Cricle Kvatch
Farul Trader's Cricle Kvatch
Majhasur Where O Wares Anvil
Onurai-Maht All That Glitters Anvil
Syalleth Syalleth's Goods & Services Anvil Outlaws Refuge
Zagh gro-Stugh Trader's Cricle Kvatch
Summerset O:M
Trader Store Location
Atazha Pilgrim's Market Vivec City
Felayn Uvaram Sadrith Mora Market Sadrith Mora
Ginette Malarelie Market Gate Balmora
Jena Calvus Pilgrim's Market Vivec City
Lorthodaer Pilgrim's Market Vivec City
Mahrahdr Market Gate Balmora
Mauhoth Pilgrim's Market Vivec City
Narril Market Gate Balmora
Relieves-Burdens Relieves-Burdens Bargains Vivec City Outlaws Refuge
Rinami Pilgrim's Market Vivec City
Runik Sadrith Mora Market Sadrith Mora
Ruxultav Sadrith Mora Market Sadrith Mora
Sabastian Brutya Pilgrim's Market Vivec City
Clockwork City CC
Trader Store Location
Commerce Delegate Chancel of Transaction Brass Fortress
Nardhil Barys Clockwork Castoffs Slag Town Outlaws Refuge
Noveni Adrano Chancel of Transaction Brass Fortress
Orstag Chancel of Transaction Brass Fortress
Ravam Sedas Chancel of Transaction Brass Fortress
Shogarz Chancel of Transaction Brass Fortress
Valowende Chancel of Transaction Brass Fortress
Summerset SM
Trader Store Location
Ambalor Ambalor's Imports Lilandril
Huzzin Ten Claw Emporium Alinor
Irna Dren Dren Family Market Alinor
Nowajan Silver-Spine Mercantile Lillandril
Quelilmor Abecean Imports Shimmerene
Rialilrin Wealth of the Woods Alinor
Rinedel Rinedel's Revelries Lillandril
Rubyn Denile Denile's Deals Alinor
Shargalash Abecean Imports Shimmerene
Talwillaure The Greater Goods Alinor
Utzaei Bog-Bottom Discount Goods Alinor Outlaws Refuge
Varandia Abecean Imports Shimmerene
Yggurz Strongbow Shrineside Shop Alinor
Murkmire MM
Trader Store Location
Aki-Osheeja Aki's Moist Market Lilmoth
Faelemar Faelemar's Fine Merchandise Lilmoth
Gir-Ta Gir-Ta's Traders Lilmoth Outlaws Refuge
Mahadal at-Bergama Mahadal's COmmodities Lilmoth
Ordasha Ordasha's Respectable Wares Lilmoth
Thaloril Thaloril's Merchandise Lilmoth
Xokomar Bog Buys Lilmoth
Northern Elsweyr EW
Trader Store Location
Adiblargo Wanderlust Market Rimmen
Artura Pamarc Masterpiece Mercantile Rimmen
Begok Hidden Treasures Rimmen Outlaws Refuge
Fortis Asina The Yoke & Spoke Mobile Bazar Rimmen
Maelanrith Tenmar Treasures Rimmen
Nirshala Meandering Moons Boutique Rimmen
Razzamin Distant Dunes Emporium Rimmen
Southern Elsweyr DH
Trader Store Location
Abizag the Agile Fetchers and Filches Senchal Outlaws Refuge
Glaetaldo Everything But Kick-a-Khajiit Senchal
Golgakul Delights of Summerset Senchal
Jaflinna Snow-born Snow-born Tradegoods Senchal
Maguzak Marshlands Merchandise Senchal
Saden Sarvani Come-and-be-Curious Senchal
Wusava Cheese to Please Senchal
Western Skyrim GM
Trader Store Location
Bredromathor Shares of Wealth Solitude
Huleida Worldly Treasure Solitude
M'deshargo The Chicanery Solitude Outlaws Refuge
Maevolk Gifts of the Eight Solitude
Trallinarian Collective Mercantile Solitude
Wita Spoils of Toils Solitude
Zuugozag Our House to Yours Solitude
The Reach MK
Trader Store Location
Bodfira Just Rewards Markarth
Brighortan Bits and Bobs Markarth
Jotep-Mota Ethereal Emporium Markarth
Keltorgan Whisperfine Wares Markarth
Marilia Verethi Ceaseless Wonders Markarth
Morborgol Twilight Treasures Markarth
Victoire Madach Feathers and Frills Markarth
Blackwood BW
Trader Store Location
Amirudda Tassets and Tonics Leyawiin
Dandras Omayn Line and Lure Goods Leyawiin
Dion Hassildor Hidden Gems Leyawiin Outlaws Refuge
Lhotahir Beyond Bliss Luxuries Leyawiin
Praxedes Vestalis Leyawine and Sundries Leyawiin
Shuruthikh Trove of Treasures Leyawiin
Sihrimaya Sleek Solutions Leyawiin
Fargrave DL
Trader Store Location
Bodsa Manas Textiles and Trappings The Bazaar
Furnvekh Percussive Poetics The Bazaar
Livia Tappo The Container Garden The Bazaar
Tuxutl Root and Weave Goods Fargrave Outlaws Refuge
Ven Peculiar Remains The Bazaar
Vesakta Artistic Innovations The Bazaar
Zenelaz Hearth and Home Wares The Bazaar
High Isle and Amenos HI
Trader Store Location
Innryk Graven Gull Goods Gonfalon Bay
Janne Jonnicent Legitimate Means Gonfalon Bay Outlaws Refuge
Kemshelar Deepsea Delights Gonfalon Bay
Marcelle Fanis Connoisseur Collections Gonfalon Bay
Pugereau Laffoon Splendiferous Supplies Gonfalon Bay
Shakhrath Cutthroat Consignments Gonfalon Bay
Zoe Frernile Flights of Fancy Gonfalon Bay
Galen and Y'ffelon FI
Trader Store Location
Arzalaya Shimmerene Curiosities Vastyr
Gei Deadeye Wares Vastyr
Philibert Gomberville Ineffable Items Vastyr Outlaws Refuge
Sharflekh Brilliant Bargains Vastyr
Stephenn Surilie Seagust Supplies Vastyr
Tildinfanya Entirely Legitimate Stock Vastyr
Var the Vague Vuagely Vendible Vastyr
Telvanni Peninsula NE
Trader Store Location
Alvura Thenim Random Rarities Necrom
Falani Falani's Fineries Necrom
Grudogg Measured Treasures Necrom
Runethyne Brenur Fortuitous Finds Necrom
Thredis Coveted Accoutrements Necrom Outlaws Refuge
Tuls Madryon Burnished Imports Necrom
Wyn Serpe Longshot Mercantile Necrom


Patch 1.3.3
  • Guilds can now hire merchants from The Gold Coast Trading Company in locations across Tamriel to serve as public outlets for their guild stores.
  • Guilds will participate in a blind bid that lasts one week to win the traders’ services for one full week. You can only bid on one trader at a time, and the highest bidder will be the winner.
  • Guilds can also hire a trader for a flat fee, as long as the trader is currently un-hired.
    • You can hire the trader during a bidding cycle, though you’d only be hiring him for the remaining time that’s left on the bidding cycle.
    • This hire lasts up to a week, until the end of the current bidding cycle, and is first come first served.
  • A hired trader will display the guild store of the hiring guild to all channels, including Veteran versions of the zone.
  • Guild traders can mainly be found in zone capitals, though a few can be seen selling wares throughout various overworld zones.

