Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Glenumbra.

Glenumbra, also called Glenumbria,[1] is the westernmost zone of High Rock, home to the famed city-state of Daggerfall, Glenumbra's capital, which stands proud in this landscape of rugged woods and fetid swamps. From the center to the south of Glenumbra, one can find lush countryside and verdant forests, whilst disgusting, fetid marshes exist in the eastern regions north of Aldcroft.[2][3][4]


"Glenumbra, the westernmost region of High Rock, contains the city-states of Daggerfall and Camlorn, the great cemetary of Cath Bedraud, and the wild areas of Hag Fen, Glenumbra Moors, and the forests of Daenia."
Loading screen[src]

Werewolves have been sighted increasingly more in the woods and are a menace to the locals. Recently, Glenumbra has become increasingly threatened with the growing lycanthrope threat caused by the Bloodthorn cultists under the leadership of the necromancer Angof the Gravesinger, who occupies the Breton crypt of Cath Bedraud,[5] and Faolchu, a werewolf resurrected by Angof from the time of the Battle of Glenumbra Moors.[1][6]

In 2E 582, the Vestige assisted the Lion Guard in foiling a plot by the Bloodthorn Cult to assassinate King Casimir, the ruler of Daggerfall.[7] In doing so, the Vestige became a valuable asset to the Lion Guard and assisted them in retaking the city-state of Camlorn from Faolchu's werewolves.[8] The Vestige also assisted the Wyresses of the region in purifying the Beldama Wyrd Tree and the surrounding lands from the infesting roots of the Bloodthorn.[9] With assistance from both the Lion Guard and the Wyresses, the Vestige was able to defeat both Angof and Faolchu, ending the crisis imposed on Glenumbra.[5][10]


Main article: Locations (Online)

The following are locations accessible in Glenumbra and, with the exception of unmarked locations, are discoverable on the map. Points of Interest serve as locations with unique side quests, while cities serve as the centralised areas with multiple sublocations and act as a hub for services and merchants. Explanations of the types of locations are provided in the main locations page.

Wayshrines Dungeons Points of Interest

Wayshrine Icon Aldcroft Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Baelborne Rock Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Burial Tombs Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Crosswych Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Daggerfall Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Deleyn's Mill Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Eagle's Brook Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Farwatch Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Hag Fen Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Lion Guard Redoubt Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon North Hag Fen Wayshrine
Wayshrine Icon Wyrd Tree Wayshrine

Public Dungeon Icon Bad Man's Hallows
Delve Icon Cryptwatch Fort
Delve Icon Ebon Crypt
Delve Icon Enduum
Delve Icon Ilessan Tower
Delve Icon Mines of Khuras
Group Dungeon Icon Red Petal Bastion WF
Delve Icon Silumm
Group Dungeon Icon Spindleclutch I
Group Dungeon Icon Spindleclutch II

Set Stations Mundus Stones Dark Anchors Striking Locales

Crafting Station Icon Chill House (Death's Wind)
Crafting Station Icon Mesanthano's Tower (Night's Silence)
Crafting Station Icon Par Molag (Ashen Grip)

Mundus Stone Icon The Lady
Mundus Stone Icon The Lover

World Event Icon Cambray Hills Dolmen
World Event Icon Daenia Dolmen
World Event Icon King's Guard Dolmen

Locale Icon Dourstone Isle
Locale Icon Gaudet Farm
Locale Icon Merovec's Folly
Locale Icon Miltrin's Fishing Cabin
Locale Icon Mire Falls
Locale Icon Tangle Rock
Locale Icon Valewatch Tower

World Bosses Event Hubs Housing Unmarked locations

Boss Icon Balefire Island
Boss Icon North Shore Point
Boss Icon Seaview Point
Boss Icon The Wolf's Camp
Boss Icon Trapjaw's Cove
Boss Icon Western Overlook

Event Icon Event Exchange
Event Icon Jester's Festival
Event Icon Jubilee Bakery Barge
Event Icon Olyve's Brewery

Housing Icon Captain Margaux's Place
Housing Icon Daggerfall Overlook
Housing Icon The Rosy Lion Inn Room
Housing Icon Exorcised Coven Cottage

Pin Icon Crosswych Mine
Pin Icon Direnni Tower
Pin Icon Dragonguard Tomb
Pin Icon Eimhir's Cavern
Pin Icon Farwatch Tower
Pin Icon Firesong Encampment
Pin Icon Groundskeeper's Cottage
Pin Icon Lion Guard Siege Camp
Pin Icon Themond Mine
Pin Icon To Stormhaven


Main article: Quests (Online)

Glenumbra features a series of zone story quests and unrelated side quests. The zone story quests tie into the Daggerfall Covenant's overarching storyline and carries on from Betnikh before continuing to Stormhaven, but it is not necessary to complete the story quests for zones prior to those in Glenumbra. Side quests are non-sequential and can be completed in any order, except where one carries on from another, and repeatable quests can be completed multiple times: weekly for arenas and trials and daily for all others. Pointer quests are optional zone quests that send the Vestige to the tarting location of another zone quest.

Solo Dungeon Icon Main quests
Zone Quest Icon Zone quests
Zone Quest Icon Pointer quests
Online Quest Icon Side quests
Solo Dungeon Icon Solo dungeon quests
Group Dungeon Icon Group dungeon quests
Online Quest Icon Faction quests
Companion Icon Companion quests
  • Things Lost, Things Found BW
Online Quest Icon Prologue quests
Online Quest Icon Crafting quests
Online Quest Icon Event quests
Online Quest Icon PvP quests


Random encounters
Traveling merchants

Item Sets[]

Main article: Item Sets

Item sets are related armor and weapons that, when worn together, provide unique benefits. Overland sets can be acquired from world bosses, world events, delves, public dungeons and containers and as quest rewards; dungeon sets can be acquired from within group dungeons; monster sets can be acquired from the final boss of veteran group dungeons and Undaunted Enclaves; and crafted sets can be created at specific locations across the zone.

Overland Sets\Overland


Main article: Skyshards (Online)

Sixteen Skyshards can be found in Glenumbra totaling in five skill points with one left over. The zone guide provides clues as to the location of each Skyshard, but many can be found simply by exploring and watching for the distinctive pillar of light they emit. Skyshards will appear on the map and compass when the Vestige is close to one and will remain discovered on the map even if it was not collected.

# Description Location
1 Guarding Daggerfall's eastern gates. Right of the bridge leading out of Daggerfall.
2 Before Dresan's headless sentinel. Eastern side of Dresan Keep.
3 Search amongst the shrieks. South hills of Shrieking Scar.
4 Westtry's dead slept underneath. West of Westtry against the mountains.
5 Far benearth the Elf-haters' lines. West end of Glenumbra Moors.
6 Beneath a Hag's footbridge. Under the bridge south of Hag Fen.
7 Where vines strangle the sleeping dead. Second layer on the east side of Cath Bedraud.
8 Close to finding the kings. Northwest of Trapjaw's Cove and south of Tomb of Lost Kings.
9 A climb above Crosswych. Scaffolding above the entrance of Crosswych Mine in Crosswych.
10 A tower explored in Ilessen learned. Northeast section of Ilessan Tower.
11 Near Silumm's well on Daggerfall shores. Northwest chamber of Silumm.
12 Within a mine of blood and thorns. In the first section of the Mines of Khuras left from the entrance on the second level.
13 Behind a wall to Enduum all. Two right turns from the first chamber of Enduum.
14 Where Ebon Crypts become Ebon Caves. Northmost section of Ebon Crypt on the east side.
15 In the bowels of Cryptwatch. Two left turns, followed by a right and another left and straight down the hallway from the entrance of Cryptwatch Fort.
16 In the roots of the Hallows. Right tunnel followed by a right turn down to the lower level and down from the Giant Snake Mother in Bad Man's Hallows.


Main article: Achievements (Online)

Achievements can be earned by completing specific tasks such as completing quests and discovering locations. Achievements are separated into categories and their progress is viewable from the journal. Earning achievement provides the Vestige a number of points, and some achievements unlock unique rewards such as furnishings that can be bought from Achievement Furnishers or collectibles.

Character Journal Icon Character
  • Glenumbra Skyshard Hunter
Dungeon Journal Icon Dungeons
Public Dungeons
  • Bad Man's Group Event
  • Bad Man's Hallows Vanquisher
  • Bad Man's Hallows Conqueror
Group Dungeons
  • Spindleclutch I Vanquisher
  • Spindleclutch II Vanquisher
Veteran Dungeons Journal Icon Veteran Dungeons
  • Spindleclutch I Conqueror
  • Spindleclutch II Conqueror
Death Challenges
  • Compassionate Hero
  • Quiet at Last
Slayer Challenges
  • Veteran Corrupted Slayer
  • Veteran Flesh Atronach Conqueror
  • Veteran Spider Slayer
  • Veteran Thrall Slayer
Speed Challenges
  • Spindleclutch I Assassin
  • Spindleclutch II Assassin
Survivor Challenges
  • Spindleclutch I Survivor
  • Spindleclutch II Survivor
Exploration Journal Icon Exploration
Daggerfall Covenant
  • Asard's Assassin
  • Bloodcaller's Ruin
  • Cryptwatch Fort Explorer
  • Ebon Crypt Explorer
  • Enduum Explorer
  • Glenumbra Cave Delver
  • Glenumbra Master Explorer
  • Glenumbra Pathfinder
  • Graufang Hunter
  • Ilessan Tower Explorer
  • Limbscather Slayer
  • Mines of Khuras Explorer
  • Silumm Explorer
  • Trapjaw Stalker
  • Werewolf's Bane
  • Glenumbra Angler
Quests Journal Icon Quests
Daggerfall Covenant
  • Faolchu's Bane
  • Glenumbra Adventurer
  • Ritual Destruction
  • Savior of Glenumbra
  • Wyrd Friend
Group Dungeons Journal Icon Waking Flame
  • Arcane Analyst
  • Echoes of Death
  • Echoes of Life
  • Echoes of Wisdom
  • Red Petal Bastion Vanquisher
  • Silver Rose Style Master
  • Waking Flame Explorer
  • Waking Flame Scout
  • Bastion Breaker
  • Foolhardy Footwork
  • Petal, Stem, and Thorn
  • Prior Offenses
  • Realmshaper Slayer
  • Red Petal Bastion Challenger
  • Red Petal Bastion Conqueror
  • Silver Rose Slayer
  • Stampede Shuffle
  • Terror Billy
  • Untarnished Victory
  • Waking Flame Delver
  • World's Shortest Siege
  • You are the GOAT

Shalidor's Library[]

Main article: Shalidor's Library

Thirty-two books that are a part of Shalidor's Library can be found in Glenumbra and added to the collection. Books that have already been found in other zones will already be marked as completed in the zone tracker.


Main article: Fishing (Online)

Fish can be caught from fishing hotspots, ideally with the correct bait. Common fish will be caught most often while rare fish and alternative bait are rare catches. Each zone has unique rare fish than can be caught from hotspots. Slaughterfish and trodh can be caught from foul hotspots, dhufish and longfin can be caught from saltwater hotspots, silverside perch and spadetail can be caught from lake hotspots, and salmon and river betty can be caught from river hotspots. Chub, minnow, shad and fish roe can be caught and used as bait from foul, saltwater, lake and river hotspots, respectively.

Fish Source Quality
Azurain Flouder Saltwater Superior
Brook Trout Rivers Superior
Cambray Perch Lakes Superior
Catfish Rivers Fine
Dragonfish Foul water Fine
Finless Sole Saltwater Fine
Hag Fen Hagfish Foul water Superior
Lamprey Foul water Fine
Powen Lakes Fine
Rock Bass Lakes Fine
Tuna Saltwater Fine
Warmouth Rivers Fine


Interative map[]


