Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Cards with the Lethal keyword will destroy any creature card that receives damage from them.


  • A Lethal card with stats of 1/1 can kill a defender with 5/5 in a single strike.
  • A Lethal card with stats of 1/2 could kill two defenders with 1/5 in two attacks.


The following list includes cards with the keyword itself, as well as any cards that are related to it:

Name Attributes Power Health Cost Type Subtype Rarity Text
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 2 2 Creature Breton Rare Rally, Lethal
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
1 1 6 Creature Wood Elf Unique legendary Lethal
Deal 1 damage.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 5 4 Creature Argonian Rare Lethal
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 4 4 Creature Argonian Rare Lethal
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 4 4 Creature Argonian Rare Lethal
Gain +1 max magicka.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 3 Creature Wood Elf Common Lethal on your opponent's turn.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
3 Action Rare Give a creature Lethal and Ward.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 1 2 3 Creature Factotum Common Assemble: +2/+0 or Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 3 Creature Nord Unique legendary Lethal
When a friendly Lethal creature Slays, put a Completed Contract into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
8 8 11 Creature Defense Epic Guard
Immune to Lethal.
Summon: Summon an Ayleid Guardian in the other lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 1 Creature Dark Elf Epic Lethal
Draw a card.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 6 6 Creature Imperial Unique legendary Lethal
Draw two cards.
Cicero can attack friendly creatures.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 7 6 Creature Fabricant Common Drain, Lethal
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 Item Common Lethal
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
8 8 12 Creature God Unique legendary Breakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Ward
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 1 1 Creature Undead
Common Lethal
Icon legends endurance Endurance 4 4 6 Creature Undead
Legendary Lethal
Other friendly creatures in this lane have Lethal.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 3 3 3 Creature Reachman Rare Summon: If the top card of your deck is...
Icon legends strength: +2/+0
Icon legends intelligence: Ward
Icon legends willpower: Drain
Icon legends agility: Lethal
Icon legends endurance: +0/+2
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 3 Creature Imperial Rare Lethal
Dragonguard Outcast gains Cover until she attacks.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 6 6 Creature Elytra Common Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Common Give a creature Lethal this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Argonian Common Prophecy, Guard, Lethal
Icon legends endurance Endurance 3 2 3 Creature Animal
Rare Prophecy, Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Argonian Common Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 10 10 10 Creature Grummite Epic Immune to Lethal.
Immune to Shackle.
Your opponent can't target Hulking Scalon with actions.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Wood Elf Common Lethal
When Imbued Bosmer is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Lethal.
Icon legends endurance Endurance 1 5 4 Creature Imperial Unique legendary Lethal
Other friendly creatures have "Slay: +2/+2."
Icon legends agility Agility 6 6 6 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent in each lane.
Friendly creatures have "Slay: +1/+1 and Lethal."
Icon legends endurance Endurance 2 Item Common Mobilize, Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Animal
Common Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 2 Creature Khajiit Common Treasure Hunt – Drain: +1/+1 and Drain.
Treasure Hunt – Lethal: +1/+1 and Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Animal
Common Lethal
Summon: Shackle
an enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Argonian Common Lethal
+0/+2 if you have another creature with Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Khajiit Rare Summon: Give a creature Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 4 Creature Animal
Rare Charge, Lethal
Icon legends neutral Neutral 3 Support Ongoing Common Indestructible
When you have killed 6 creatures with Lethal, win the game.
Icon legends willpower Willpower 5 5 4 Creature Imperial Unique Legendary Immune to Lethal.
Slay: Discard all copies of the slain creature from the opponent's deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 4 3 Creature Argonian Common Plot: Lethal and Guard.
Icon legends neutral Neutral 3 Action Common Give all friendly creatures Lethal.
Return Zaria's Poison to your hand and increase its cost by 1.