Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Abomination.

Abomination is a creature card in The Elder Scrolls: Legends that is a part of the Return to Clockwork City expansion.


  • This card is placed in the summoner's hand after Mecinar is summoned.


Abomination is placed in the summoner's hand at the same time as Mecinar. Upon being summoned, Mecinar will trigger his Summon keyword, Consuming the top creatures of both summoner's decks. The power and health of the two creatures will be combined together and its cost will be equivalent to the highest cost creature Consumed. The summoner then picks which of the two creatures Consumed will be the Abomination's text box, and any keywords contained will be given to it.

If Abnur Tharn is summoned after Mecinar and the Abonination is created, Abnur Tharn can trigger Mecinar's Summon keyword again to create a second Abomination, depriving the opponent of two creatures and creating two potentially extremely powerful Abominations.


