The Playground is located on Turpin Way in front of Mitchell's Autos. It is the place that some of the characters go to think or talk with one another.
The Playground was first seen as a neglected area which had not been maintained and included only a rope tyre swing with no other play facilities. Over the years, the Playground has been improved and has more equipment.
In 1996, Walford Council agreed to sell the land to A.M.E.F. Building Services who set out plans to demolish the Playground and replace it with luxury flats. In July that year, the development company erected fencing around the Playground subject to contract with Walford Council. The residents of Albert Square confronted the property developers and demanded they remove the fencing. When they refused, a riot broke out and a number of people were arrested. Subsequent to the riot, the residents began a petition to save the Playground. A protest was organised and took place on 5 September. On the same day, the council reversed their decision to sell the land and the Playground was officially reopened on 28 January 1997.
(19 March 1985)
(30 July 1996)
(28 January 1997)
(February 2015).