In This Corner of the World (この世界の片隅に Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni) is a Japanese animated film directed by Sunao Katabuchi (Princess Arete, Black Lagoon and Mai Mai Miracle), based on the original manga by Fumiyo Kouno. It was produced by Genco Inc., MAPPA, Animatsu and distributed in the United States by Shout! Factory, with a limited theatrical release by FUNimation Entertainment.
In 1944, Suzu Urano moves to the small town of Kure in Hiroshima where she marries Shuusaku Houjou—a young clerk who works at the local naval base. Living with his family, Suzu becomes essential to the running of the household and creatively prepares meals during the tough wartime conditions while also carrying out daily housework. In 1945, intense bombings by the U.S. military finally reach Kure with devastating effect to the townsfolk and their way of life. Suzu's life is changed irrevocably, but through perseverance and courage, she manages to continue to live life to the fullest.
FUNimation's original press release had a couple errors; namely referring to Kirk Thornton as "Kirk Buckland" (likely a mistake due to copy-pasting Kira Buckland's credit) and Ava Packard is mis-credited as Harumi Kuromura.[1]
Jason Palmer is credited as "Michael Chapman" on the Blu-Ray/DVD end credits.