Dreamworks Animation Wiki

The whopping snakes are minor character in the DreamWorks film, Abominable. They are one of the current rare species owned by the Burnish Industries.


The whopping snakes are green-colored elongated, legless reptiles with large black googly eyes. They look like regular snakes, but they do "whopp" sounds and move their head up and down resembling the whack-a-mole game.

At one point in the movies the snakes are introduced into the office of Mr. Burnish by Dr. Zara and they start to whop and move their heads out through the holes of the cages, followed by Mr. Burnish trying to hit them on their head with his hiking pick, then is stopped by Zara.

Throughout the movie one of the movie snakes appears as a running gag around the minions of the Burnish industries, one of them even is a reference to the song "Whoop there it" is by Tag Team.


There's not a lot known about the whopping snakes, beside they seem like very friendly creatures.


v - e - d
Abominable Logo
Films: Abominable

TV Series: Abominable and the Invisible City

Main Characters: YiEverestJinPeng

Support Characters: BurnishDr. ZaraGoon LeaderWhooping SnakesMeiNai NaiLiLiGreat Watcher

See also
Songs: Beautiful LifeFix YouDreams

Cast: Chloe Bennet (Yi) • Eddie Izzard (Burnish)
Crew: Chris SandersRupert Gregson-WilliamsEric Darnell
