Dreamworks Animation Wiki

Cuddles is the secondary antagonist in the DreamWorks film, The Bad Guys. He is the assistant of Professor Marmalade.


Physical Appearance[]

Cuddles wears a white jacket, white glasses, a pink hat with white accents, and also has a balding spot He also has a brown mustache.

Role in the film[]

He is first seen driving Professor Marmalade to the Gala to meet Diane Foxington and claim the golden dolphin while the Bad Guys attempt to steal it.

He is then seen again when Marmalade introduces them to his lair to try and turn them into good guys. Later on in the film when the bad guys were framed at the gala by Marmalade, he uses his helicopter to steal the heart-shaped meteorite and bring it back to the lair. After the Bad Guys get sent to prison as the guinea pig reveals his true colors, he watches and admires him as he mind controls the guinea pigs to cause havoc while trying to steal the charity money.

When Mr. Wolf and Diane are tied up and hanging, he is ordered to have them both killed by a gigantic shredder and wasn't seen after they were free. however, he is seen again during the final battle in the helicopter with Marmalade and Mr. Snake. After the helicopter eventually landed, he and Marmalade were arrested after revealing that Mr. Snake used the brainwashed guinea pigs to use a lamp as the meteorite.



  • He is the first DreamWorks secondary antagonist to have little screen time and no voice.

External links[]


v - e - d
The Bad Guys Logo
Films: The Bad Guys • The Bad Guys 2

Shorts: Maraschino Ruby • The Bad Guys: Little Lies and Alibis
Specials: A Very Bad Holiday • Haunted Heist

The Bad Guys: Mr. Wolf • Mr. Snake • Mr. Piranha • Ms. Tarantula • Mr. Shark

Others: Diane Foxington • Professor Marmalade • Chief Luggins • Cuddles • Kitty • Tiffany Fluffit

Sea also
Cast: Sam Rockwell (Mr. Wolf) • Marc Maron (Mr. Snake) • Awkwafina (Ms. Tarantula) • Craig Robinson (Mr. Shark) • Anthony Ramos (Mr. Piranha) • Zazie Beetz (Diane Foxington) • Alex Borstein (Chief Luggins) • Lilly Singh (Tiffany Fluffit) • Barbara Goodson (Old Lady)