The Silver Phantom is a Stoker Class Dragon released in December 16th, 2016. They originated from the How To Seize a Dragon's Jewel book from the How To Train Your Dragon book series, for more information on the species, check the HTTYD Wiki's article on Franchise's Silver Phantom and Book's Silver Phantom.
The Silver Phantom is available in Store for 500 (400 for members). There's a chance in being available on a Weekly Sale with an Adult Ticket and a Titan Ticket . The egg is available in the Dragonpalooza, in the Monthly Dragon Egg Chest (Mysterious Dragon Egg) with 1.42% chance, and was available in one of the old Spring Maze Chests with 1.13% chance.
- On April 13th, 2020, the price was adjusted from 750 (600) to 500 (400).
- On September 8th, 2022, the Silver Phantom received a Titan Stage after winning[1] a previous poll against the Groncicle and Windwalker[2].
- The Silver Phantom is the fourth and one of the four book dragons to appear in School of Dragons, the others are the Prickleboggle, Devilish Dervish and the Windwalker respectively.
We will run down all the Stats from the Silver Phantom following the natural Stat order.
Silver Phantom is available for Thunder Run Racing and Flight Club, Dragon Card lists the following data:
- Max. Speed: 9.2
- Pitch Rate: 5.0
- Turn Rate: 5.3
- Acceleration: 5.5
- Firepower: 7.4
Silver Phantom's Flight Data lists the following raw Data.
- Turn
- RollTurnRate:
- RollDampRate:
- MaxRoll:
- YawTurnRate:
- YawTurnFactor:
- Pitch
- PitchTurnRate:
- PitchDampRate:
- Fly/Glide Max Up Pitch:
- Fly/Glide Max Down Pitch:
- Climb AccelRate:
- Dive AccelRate:
- Speed:
- Speed:Min:
- Speed:Max:
- SpeedDampRate:
- ManualFlapAccel:
- ManualFlapTimer:
- BrakeDecel:
Simplified, the Silver Phantom has (to do).
Silver Phantom has 7 shots with 1.2ms cooldown, takes 55ms for a full recharge. They do 18 damage with a critical of 36, has 23% change of shooting a critical shot. Their range is 61 and has 816 HP at max level.
The Titan has a cooldown of 1.1ms. It does 20 damage with a critical of 40, and has 912 HP at max level.
Per second, the Silver Phantom can do 18.5 and 20.5 damage per second in Adult and Titan respectively.
A Lvl. 50 Silver Phantom has 300 of Attackpower , 380 of Firepower , 300 of Healpower , and 2600 of Health, with a permanent 4 Movement , 225 Critical Chance , and 112.5 Defense/Dodge .
A Lvl. 50 Titan has 345 of Attackpower , 437 of Firepower , 2975 of Health, and a permanent 5 Movement .
Down below is a table containing the ATK, FPR, HPR, and HP from Level 1 to 50.
Ability | Description | Range | Turns to reload | Additional Effects | |
Main | Blast | 5x FPR damage | Mid | 4 | Burns the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn for 3 turns. |
Second | Breathe | 2x ATK damage | Close | 1 | 35% chance to hinder the target, making them easier to hit for 2 turns. |
Role-Based Third | Hyper | Increase MOVE and DEF | Self | 5 | |
Fourth | Defend | Boosts DEF, replaces other DEF abilities | Self | 1 | Boost your dodge to 75%. |