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The Watchers are a race of beings in Dragon Quest XI. Yggdrasil's oldest and most loyal allies, the majority of the Watcher race live peaceful lives in the archipelago of floating islands composing Havens Above, thou some of them have relocated themselves in the underground Trial Isle to support the spirit of Drustan in his tests for the future Luminary.


The Watchers possess stout and plump bodies, with their maximum height approximatively reaching halfway the torso of an avarage Human and not really changing dimensions as they grow up, as children are as big as adults. Watchers have onion shaped heads, with peculiar holed up half-cones for ears, no discernible nose on their face and a conspicuos tentacle-like backwards oriented curved antenna extending from the top of their skull. While all Watchers do not possess any hair on their heads, males can grow facial hair such as beards and moustaches, being one of the few characteristics that can help discern the two genders as, due to lacking any other visible difference, the avarage human cannot otherwise tell the two apart. The typical Watcher has a skintone color that ranges in the pastel pinks, light blues and light purple tones.

The Watchers are a peaceful race, holders of much superior technologies compared to the humans and Mermaids of Erdrea; however even though the Watchers incredibly long life-span, being able to naturally live for several millenia, they are not immune to the passage of time, and the techology behind some of their greatest creations, such as the floating platforms that connect their islands and the process of crystalizing Yggdrasil's dew that was used to create the Six Orbs, has been forgotten and lost.

Main game appearances[]

Dragon Quest XI[]

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Notable Watchers[]

  • Elder Eegoltap
  • Eegoltap's younger brother


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Other languages[]

Other languages
French Unknown
German Beobachter
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