Dragon Quest Wiki

Corrupt carter is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.


The corrupt carter is a purple demon with a red face on a dark gray cart with yellow spikes.


Main games[]

Dragon Quest IX[]

#164 - Corrupt carter
Humanoid Family
No Image HP MP Attack Defence Agility
155 12 138 200 147
Exp Gold Drop Iron ore (Common, 1/32)
Handrills (Rare, 1/64)
1550 120 G
Description: Armoured chariots that are bolstered even further with Kabuff, then battered at breakneck speed into the enemy.

The drivers tried to paint cool designs on their carts, but they hated them, so they had to clean them off.

Normal attack
Charges party members (Knocks them down)
Haunts at:
Urdus Marshland (high ground)
Cringle Coast (island)

Dragon Quest X[]

Has yet to reappear as of 7.1

Monster series[]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional[]

Joker 2 Professional Synthesising
Monster Monster Monster Monster Result
Chariot chappie + Chariot chappie + Chariot chappie + Chariot chappie = Corrupt carter
Synth type Quad Fusion

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D/SP[]

Book Number HP MP ATK DEF
323 1245 368 788 777

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key/SP[]

Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key Synthesising
Monster Monster Monster Monster Result
Chariot chappie + Charriot chappie + Charriot chappie + Charriot chappie = Corrupt carter
Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key Rank and Slot No.
Rank B
Slot No. One

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 Professional[]

Joker 3 Synthesising
Monster Monster Result
Ultraviolent ray + Demon cloud = Corrupt carter
Synth type {{{Synth type}}}
Joker 3 Rank and Slot No.
Rank C
Slot No. One

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

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Other series[]

Dragon Quest Rivals[]

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Other languages[]

Other languages
French Charretier blindé
German Korrupter Kutscher
Spanish Carretero corrupto
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

Related monsters[]
