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Air Pollution (Darkness Slice in DQotS) is a recurring debilitating attack in the Dragon Quest series.


Reduces both attack & magical might by one level.


Dragon Quest IX[]

Making its debut, it is used by Master moosifers, Zoma from level 33 onwards, and Nimzo from level 57 onwards.

Dragon Quest X[]

While it acts mostly the same, it can now dazzle enemies, making it more troublesome. It is used by Haunted tomatoes, Brimstone bulbs, Shades, Visor kaisers, Silhouettes, Dark buzzards, Hippocampers, Space demons, Platinumimics, Dread dragooners, Lumberin' Jacks, Silhoubarons, Equinox, Bones of Baramos, Devil Chief Jiggis, Giga clubber, Injury Vortex, Bad bird, Wave dragon, Baramos, Bezebu, Grudge djinns, Domano, Gel soldiers, the Demon Souls, Darknesses of Hatred, Daviyaga, and Pruslas. Players can learn a similar skill by investing 130 skill points into a Ranger's Ruggedness skill tree, as well as the Hero at level 65 in the aforementioned vocation and by investing 10 skill points into Prince Laguas's Royal skill tree in the Offline version of the game.

Dragon Quest XI[]

Acting the same as in X, it is used by Dark dullahans, Hell's gatekeepers, Headless hunters, Headless norsemen, Dark gryphons, the Headless honcho, and Nelgelas, as well as Silhouettes, Visor Kaisers, Dread Dragooners, and Master Moosifers once again.

Dragon Quest of the Stars[]

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See Also[]
