Dragon City Wiki
Dragon City Wiki
Islands Habitat · Buildings · Decorations
Not to be confused with the Ancient World Crystals, precious gemstones found in the Ancient World
Crystals are a building in Dragon City, which affect dragons of the same type within a 10 and a half tiles radius and can be placed anywhere on the map. They grant a 20% increase in gold production for all dragons of the matching element in any Habitat within the radius. A dragon can receive boosts from multiple crystals, as they only need to have the same element as the crystal's element. Also, double element dragons will get twice the boost of the corresponding Crystal (since they have 2 times the same element). For example, the Double Terra Dragon and Double Flame Dragon will get 40% gold boost from a single "Terra Crystal" and "Flame Crystal", respectively. However, not all elements have their own crystal boost. Here's the list of crystals available in the game :
at Level
Price XP
Terra Crystal 1 Terra 14 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Flame Crystal 1 Flame 16 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Sea Crystal 1 Sea 21 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Nature Crystal f Nature 24 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Electric Crystal 1 Electric 27 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Ice Crystal 1 Ice 30 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Metal Crystal 1 Metal 33 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Dark Crystal 1 Dark 36 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
File:Light Crystal 1.png Light 39 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
File:War Crystal 1.png War 42 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
File:Pure Crystal 1.png Pure 45 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
Legend Crystal f Legend 48 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
File:Primal Crystal 1.png Primal 51 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP
File:Wind Crystal 1.png Wind 55 250 000 Gold Bar Icon 12 500 XP


  • From the table above, all crystals have the same price and gives the same amount of XP
    • Not only that, all crystals also have a same build time and building limit to each of them (6 hours and 4 copies, respectively)
  • Before 14th December 2012, Crystals were called "Boosts".