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Dragon Age Wiki
For the spells in Dragon Age II, see Entropy spells (Dragon Age II).

Entropy spells are spells that enable mages to cripple their enemies by attacking their life force.

Chains of Entropy tree[]

Weakness Weakness
Range: Medium
Activation: 20
Cooldown: 10s
The caster drains a target of energy, inflicting penalties to attack and defense, as well as reducing its movement speed unless it passes a physical resistance check.
Paralyze Paralyze
Range: Medium
Activation: 35
Cooldown: 30s
Requires: 18 magic
The caster saps a target's energy, paralyzing it for a time unless it passes a physical resistance check, in which case its movement speed is reduced instead.
Miasma Miasma
Range: Personal
Upkeep: 60
Fatigue: 5%
Cooldown: 30s
Requires: 25 magic
While this mode is active, the caster radiates an aura of weakness, hindering nearby enemies with penalties to attack and defense. Unless the opponents pass a physical resistance check, they also suffer a penalty to movement speed.
Mass Paralysis Mass Paralysis
Range: Medium
Activation: 70
Cooldown: 50s
Requires: 35 magic
All hostile targets in the area are paralyzed for a short time unless they pass a physical resistance check, in which case their movement speed is reduced instead.

Hexes tree[]

Vulnerability Hex Vulnerability Hex
Range: Medium
Activation: 20
Cooldown: 20s
The target suffers a hex that inflicts penalties to cold resistance, electricity resistance, fire resistance, nature resistance, and spirit resistance.
Affliction Hex Affliction Hex
Range: Medium
Activation: 40
Cooldown: 20s
Requires: 20 magic
A contagious hex inflicts penalties to cold resistance, electricity resistance, fire resistance, nature resistance, and spirit resistance on the target and all other enemies nearby.
Misdirection Hex Misdirection Hex
Range: Medium
Activation: 45
Cooldown: 40s
Requires: 28 magic
The target suffers a frustrating hex of inaccuracy. All hits become misses, while critical hits become normal hits.
Death Hex Death Hex
Range: Medium
Activation: 60
Cooldown: 60s
Requires: 36 magic
The target suffers a hex of lethal bad luck. Every normal hit it suffers becomes a critical hit.

Mental Contamination tree[]

Disorient Disorient
Range: Medium
Activation: 20
Cooldown: 10s
The caster engages in subtle mental manipulation that disorients the target for a short time, making the target a less effective combatant by inflicting penalties to attack and defense.
Horror Horror
Range: Short
Activation: 40
Cooldown: 20s
Requires: 18 magic
The caster forces a target to cower in fear, unable to move, unless it passes a mental resistance check. Targets already asleep when the spell is cast cannot resist its effect and take massive spirit damage.
Sleep Sleep
Range: Medium
Activation: 35
Cooldown: 50s
Requires: 30 magic
All hostile targets in the targeted area fall asleep unless they pass a mental resistance check, although they wake when hit. Sleeping enemies cannot resist the Horror spell, which will inflict additional damage.
Waking Nightmare Waking Nightmare
Range: Medium
Activation: 40
Cooldown: 40s
Requires: 32 magic
Hostile targets are trapped in a waking nightmare unless they pass a mental resistance check. They are randomly stunned, attack other enemies, or become the caster's ally for the duration of the effect. Enemies that are already asleep cannot resist.

Entropic Mortality tree[]

Drain Life Drain Life
Range: Medium
Activation: 20
Cooldown: 10s
The caster creates a sinister bond with the target, draining its life energy in order to heal the caster.
Death Magic Death Magic
Range: Personal
Upkeep: 45
Fatigue: 5%
Cooldown: 0.5s
Requires: 20 magic
While active, the caster draws in nearby entropic energy, draining residual life-force from any dead enemy nearby to heal the caster.
Curse of Mortality Curse of Mortality
Range: Medium
Activation: 40
Cooldown: 60s
Requires: 25 magic
The caster curses a target with the inevitability of true death. While cursed, it cannot heal or regenerate health and takes continuous spirit damage.
Death Cloud Death Cloud
Range: Medium
Activation: 50
Cooldown: 60s
Requires: 34 magic
The caster summons a cloud of leeching entropic energy that deals continuous spirit damage to all who enter. Friendly fire possible.