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A Swift Stream is an action card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It is part of The Applewoods deck.


It tumbles along a steep gully and curves across your path. Its sound is gentle in the stern silence of the woods.

Available actions[]


Ford the stream
Your quarry must be beyond. The water is swift, but does not look deep.
Difficulty: Derring-Do*6/5

Success: Across the stream
You splash through, picking up the trail on the other side. Your boots squelch as you continue the chase.
-1 Hour Remaining, +2 Closing In

Success (alternate): No delay
You wade through, easily picking up the trail amidst the thistles on the other side. It's recent. You're gaining.
-1 Hour Remaining, +2 Closing In

Failure: Drenched
The stream is deeper than it looks. A loose stone shifts underfoot, plunging you into the icy waters. When you pull yourself out, you have to search up and down the bank before you can find the trail again, weighed down by your lank, sodden clothes.
-1 Hour Remaining, -10 Health

Failure (alternate): Hidden depths
The stream is deeper and faster than it looks. A feisty undercurrent pulls you off-balance. When you pull yourself spluttering onto the far bank you can find no sign of the trail. You search for hours before picking it up again, shivering the whole time.
-1 Hour Remaining, -10 Health


Check the banks for tracks
Perhaps your quarry paused to drink.
Difficulty: Woods-wise*2

Success: Wise to their tricks
There: tracks at the water's edge. Your quarry crossed, emerging downstream in an attempt to throw off pursuit. The tracks are not so old, still slowly filling with oozing water.
-1 Hour Remaining, +3 Closing In

Success (alternate): Wise to their tricks
There: tracks at the water's edge. Your quarry crossed, emerging downstream in an attempt to throw off pursuit.
-1 Hour Remaining, +3 Closing In

Failure: The forest for the trees
Try as you might, you can't find your quarry's tracks among those of the swine, hares and wild dogs that use the stream as a watering hole.
-1 Hour Remaining


Help the hounds find the scent again
(Requires Bring the hounds was chosen on Go Hunting)
They stop at the water's edge, milling about in frustration.
Difficulty: Woods-wise*2

Success: The oldest trick
After a thorough search you find the trail upstream, cross, and continue the chase. The dogs tug excitedly at their leads.
-1 Hour Remaining, +4 Closing In

Failure: Over-enthusiasm
They find a scent, but it's the wrong one. The dogs slip their bonds and race off after a meager hare.
Your calls and whistles do no good. The dogs are lost. Your kenneler will round them up, but for now you have no choice but press on without them.
-1 Hour Remaining, lose The Hounds, You no longer have any of this: 'Pack of Hounds'


Follow the stream into the Deepwoods
(Requires Region: Greenwood)
Upstream the trees are old and stooped. They lean closely together. Their leaves whisper.
You will enter the Deepwoods, where the challenges and rewards are both greater.
Difficulty: Woods-wise*2

Success: Forgotten by the sun
Long shadows stretch beneath the boughs. Oily leaves murmur. Few dare the deep woods. Perhaps your quarry was counting on that.
Enter the Deepwoods, You are entering the Deepwoods, the darker, less-travelled depths of the forest

Failure: Forgotten by the sun
Long shadows stretch beneath the bows. Dark leaves whisper. Few dare the deep woods. Perhaps your quarry was counting on that.
-1 Hour Remaining, -10 Health, enter the Deepwoods, You are entering the Deepwoods, the darker, less-travelled depths of the forest
