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Go Hunting is a pinned action card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. Selecting a quarry will begin a hunt and exchange the Happenstance deck for the Applewoods deck.

Once the hunt begins, there are a limited number of "Hours Remaining" available to complete the hunt, after which the deck will revert to normal. Event cards during the hunt provide opportunities to gain "Closing In" at the expense of using Hours. Each quarry requires a certain amount of accumulated Closing In before it is caught.


The hounds whine when you enter the kennels, pressing wet noses against your fingers. Your companions mount snorting steeds in the courtyard. The bearers shoulder your equipment.

What preparations will you make for the hunt?

Available Actions[]


Choose your quarry
What will you hunt?
Some quarries provide Viands to feed the Divine, others Trophies to impress her. You will need at least 10 Clues to find a quarry.
(uses an action)

Result: The folk of the woods
The Applewoods throng with game. Deer and boar are common, but sometimes word reaches your court of more challenging prey...
→ Choose your quarry

Unlocked after the quarry is chosen...

Bring the hounds
The hounds may help you track your quarry.

Result: Eager for the chase
They lick your hands, their breath hot on your fingers. Their handlers curse as the dogs pull at the leads.
+12 Hours Remaining, You ride towards the woods, You now have 1 of this: 'Pack of Hounds', You are entering the Greenwood, the pleasant outer reaches of the forest
Gain The Hounds (+1 Derring-Do and Woods-wise while they remain)


Get an early start
This will give you two extra hours to complete the hunt.

Result: Awake before dawn
Your party is hoarse and bleary-eyed as you ride out, the fields still tucked under their blanket of morning mist. The woods beckon, blue with the last of the night's shadows.
+14 Hours remaining, You ride towards the woods, You are entering the Greenwood, the pleasant outer reaches of the forest


Take extra provisions
If you lose Health, these may help you regain it.

Result: Well-stocked
Your packs bulge with dark bread, feisty cheese, watered beer, and wine from the sun-brushed south.
+1 Provisions, +12 Hours Remaining, You ride towards the woods, You now have 1 of this: 'Provisions', You are entering the Greenwood, the pleasant outer reaches of the forest
Gain Provisions


Seek the Baron's Advice
(Requires Baron as Counselor)
He's terrorised the denizens of the Applewoods for decades.
This will grant free progress at the start of the hunt.

Result: Years of experience
"It doesn't matter where your quarry is - it matters where they'll be. Where they'll hide. What'll make them break cover. When they'll run and where they'll run to - because that's where you want your arrow to be."
-1 Favor, You ride towards the woods, +6 Closing In


Taking provisions is cumulative, and if unused will carry over into future hunts.

It is possible to carry out multiple hunts even after the last Market Day arrives, as long as the last Market Day card remains unchosen and there are enough Clues. It's easy to make back the invested Clues with A Tumbledown Shack and The Peddler, so this can be self-sustaining.

One can boost Woods-wise (again via A Tumbledown Shack and The Peddler), restore Health (via A Glade or if beneath 30 provisions), and acquire the trophy/viand reward at the end. It should be noted that Woods-wise is more quickly raised by The Silent Hunter (until ~75).
