
From Dragon Quest Wiki
A magic-user who fights with spells, and is able to master a wealth of attack magic. --Description in Dragon Quest VII.

The Mage (魔法使い, Mahōtsukai, lit. Magic User) is a recurring vocation in the Dragon Quest series. An iconic staple of medieval fantasy, the magi typically have high Wisdom and MP to facilitate their offensive spellcasting, but low Strength, Resilience and poor equipment choices that hamper their physical prowess and survivability.


As the premiere magical vocation, the Mage specializes in casting destructive and debilitating spells, but performs poorly at melee combat; though magi have high Wisdom and Magical Might, they are physically frail and cannot equip heavy weapons such as Swords, Axes, Spears, or heavy armour.

Magi focus on crowd control, with most spells targeting multiple enemies at once to harm or hinder through a variety of elemental, debilitating, and impeding spells such as Sizzle, Deceleratle and Snooze. Offensive spells that do focus on one enemy usually keep pace with the physical attacks of melee characters until the late game, where it is better to buff such a character with Oomph instead. A Mage can also use the Evac spell to get the party out of a dungeon when things are dire, and can cast Zoom in most games as well.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]



Level Learned Original Japanese NES/GBC Localization Modern Localization MP Description
2 メラ
Blaze Frizz 2 A simple fire spell; affects one enemy
4 スカラ
Upper Buff 3 Raise one ally's defence
5 ヒャド
IceBolt Crack 3 Ice damage to one foe
7 ギラ
Fireball Sizz 4 Fire damage to one group
8 スクルト
Increase Kabuff 4 Raise the party's defence
9 リレミト
Outside Evac 8 Exit a dungeon
11 イオ
Bang Bang 5 Fire damage to all foes
12 ボミオス
Slow Deceleratle 3 Lowers all foes' agility
13 ルーラ
Return Zoom 8 Fly to any location
14 ベギラマ
Firebane Sizzle 6 Fire damage to one group
15 マホトラ
RobMagic Drain Magic 0 Siphon MP from one foe
15 インパス
X-ray Peep 3 Check t a treasure chest's contents
17 メラミ
BlazeMore Frizzle 6 Fire damage to one foe
19 トラマナ
StepGuard Safe Passage 2 Void terrain damage
19 ヒャダルコ
Snowblast Crackle 6 Ice damage to one group
21 バイキルト
Bikill Oomph 6 Raise one ally's attack
23 イオラ
Boom Boom 9 Fire damage to all foes
24 マホカンタ
Bounce Bounce 8 Deflect spells for a few turns
25 ラナルータ
Day-Night Tick-Tock 12 Change the time of day
26/32 ヒャダイン
Icespears Kacrack 9 Ice damage to all foes
27 メダパニ
Chaos Fuddle 5 Confuses one foe
29 ベギラゴン
Firevolt Kasizzle 12 Fire damage to one group
30 シャナク
CurseOff Sheen 18 Lifts a curse
33 レムオル
Invisible Fade 15 Turn the party invisible
32/26 マヒャド
Snowstorm Kacrackle 12 Ice damage to one group
33 アバカム
Open Click 0 Opens any lock
34 ドラゴラム
BeDragon Puff! 24 Transform into a dragon
36 メラゾーマ
Blazemost Kafrizzle 12 Fire damage to one foe
37 モシャス
Transform Morph 12/9 Transform into an ally
38 イオナズン
Explodet Kaboom 18 Fire damage to all foes
40 パルプンテ
Chance Hocus Pocus 20 Rubiss knows what may happen
  • The NES version of the game is bugged and swapped level at which Kacrack & Kacrackle are learned


Dragon Quest III (All) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Cypress stick Attack +2
Bronze knife Attack +8
Poison needle Attack +10
Divine dagger Attack +14
Wizard's staff Attack +15
Staff of Rain Attack +16
Thorn whip Attack +18
Boomerang Attack +19
Staff of antimagic Attack +20
Edged boomerang Attack +24
Assassin's dagger Attack +25
Snooze stick Attack +30
Staff of strife Attack +33
Rune staff Attack +40
Flametang boomerang Attack +42
Lightning staff Attack +45
Sage's staff Attack +50
Somatic staff Attack +65

Dragon Quest III (All) 
Accessories Modifier(s)
Strength ring Strength+7
Tough guy tattoo Strength+8
Mighty armlet Strength+15
Doh-hican Defence+3
Garter Defence+3
Gold rosary Defence+4
Leg warmers Defence+5
Ten ton toupee Defence+15
Cower ring Agility+7
Skull ring Agility+10
Agility ring Agility+`5
Mercury's bandana Agility+30
Meteorite bracer Agilityx2
Restless heart Resilience+10
Gold chain Resilience+10
Weightlifter's belt Resilience+15
Recovery ring Resilience+25
Care ring Wisdom+15
Scholar's specs Wisdom+15
Goddess ring Wisdom+33
Bunny tail Luck+8
Golden tiara Luck+13
Hen's tooth Luck+20
Sacred amulet Luck+30
Elevating shoes Luck+50
Slime earrings
Ruby wristband
  • ♥ denotes ladies only.
  • ♂ denotes men only.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]


Calculated using the everyman personality.

Female Male
Stats Level 1 Level 99 Level 1 Level 99
Strength 6 196 7 197
Resilience 9 208 10 209
Agility 9 343 7 341
Stamina 8 255 8 255
Wisdom 12 378 12 376
Luck 9 328 7 326


Level Learned Original Japanese English MP Description
1 メラ
Frizz 2 Deals a minimum of 8~13 Fire damage to one foe
2 スカラ
Buff 3 Increase one ally's defence
4 ヒャド
Crack 3 Deals a minimum of 25~35 Ice damage to one foe
7 ギラ
Sizz 4 Deals a minimum of 17~28 Fire damage to all foes
8 スクルト
Kabuff 5 Increase the party's defence
9 リレミト
Evac 0 Exit a dungeon
10 ボミオス
Deceleratle 3 Decrease the enemy's agility
11 イオ
Bang 5 Deals a minimum of 14~21 Explosion damage to all foes
12 ルーラ
Zoom 0 Fly to a location
12 マホトラ
Drain Magic 0 Siphons MP from one foe
13 ベギラマ
Sizzle 6 Deals a minimum of 32~46 Fire damage to one group
15 インパス
Peep 3 Expose a treasure chest as legitimate or a mimic
16 メラミ
Frizzle 6 Deals a minimum of 56~70 Fire damage to one foe
19 トラマナ
Safe Passage 2 Prevent terrain damage
19 ヒャダルコ
Crackle 6 Deals a minimum of 48~58 Ice damage to one group
21 バイキルト
Oomph 6 Raise one ally's attack
22 マホカンタ
Bounce 8 Deflect all spells for a few turns
23 イオラ
Boom 9 Deals a minimum of 48~64 Explosion damage to all foes
25 ラナルータ
Tick-Tock 12 Change day to night and vice versa
25 ヒャダイン
Kacrack 10 Deals a minimum of 68~85 Ice damage to all foes
27 メダパニ
Fuddle 6 Confuses one foe
29 ベギラゴン
Kasizz 12 Deals a minimum of 88~122 Fire damage to one group
30 シャナク
Sheen 18 Lifts a curse from one ally
31 レムオル
Fade 15 Turns the party invisible
31 メラゾーマ
Kafrizz 12 Deals a minimum of 160~190 Fire damage to one foe
33 アバカム
Click 0 Opens any lock
34 マヒャド
Kacrackle 14 Deals a minimum of 92~124 Ice damage to all foes
36 モシャス
Morph 12 Transform into an ally
37 ドラゴラム
Puff! 24 Become a fire-breathing dragon
38 イオナズン
Kaboom 18 Deals a minimum of 120~160 Explosion damage to all foes
40 パルプンテ
Hocus Pocus 20 Only Rubiss knows what may happen


Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake  
Weapon Modifier(s)
Cypress stick Attack +2
Bronze knife Attack +8
Poison needle Attack +10
Boomerang Attack +11
Divine dagger Attack +12
Staff of Rain Attack +16
Thorn whip Attack +19
Wizard's staff Attack +21
Edged boomerang Attack +24
Snooze stick Attack +29
Staff of antimagic Attack +31
Rune staff Attack +39
Staff of resurrection Attack +40
Staff of sentencing Attack +42
Gusterang Attack +46
Staff of strife Attack +48
Swallowtail Attack +52
Lightning staff Attack +53
Assassin's dagger Attack +55
Flametang boomerang Attack +65
Sage's staff Attack +84
Empress's whip Attack +94
Somatic staff Attack +96
Metal wing boomerang Attack +102
Aurora staff Attack +115
Godbird sceptre Attack +123
Hunter's moon Attack +131
Rubiss's sword Attack +206

Dragon Quest III (All) 
Armor Modifier(s)
Scandalous swimsuit Defense+1
Plain clothes Defense+5
Wayfarer's clothes Defense+9
Tortoise shell Defense+15
Leather dress Defense+16
Leather cape Defense+19
Silk robe Defense+22
Cloak of evasion Defense+28
Magical skirt Defense+29
Fizzle-retardant suit Defense+46
Glombolero Defense+50
Magic armour Defense+50
Agility gilet Defense+52
Party dress Defense+52
Smart suit Defense+54
Cat suit Defense+55
Wizard's robe Defense+50
Angel's robe Defense+63
Flowing dress Defense+75
Magic bikini Defense+79
Dragon robe Defense+94
Flame armour Defense+94
Blessed bikini Defense+101
Shimmering dress Defense+105
Godbird robe Defense+125

Dragon Quest III (All) 
Accessories Modifier(s)
Strength ring Attack+9
Tough guy tattoo Attack+11
Weightlifter's belt Attack+13
Mighty armlet Attack+16
Recovery ring Defence +2
Garter Defence+3
Restless heart Defence+3
Care rivière Defence+4
Gold rosary Defence+4
Necklace of immunity Defence+4
Dragon scale Defence+5
Silver rosary Defence+5
Slime earrings Defence+5
Leg warmers Defence+6
Ruby wristband Defence +8
Doh-hican Defence+11
Spirit bracer Defence+17
Ten ton toupee Defence+18
Cower ring Agility+12
Skull ring Agility+16
Agility ring Agility+`22
Mercury's bandana Agility+36
Meteorite bracer Agilityx2
Restless heart Resilience+10
Aerofoil earrings Wisdom+8
Anti-freeze earrings Wisdom+8
Asbestos earrings Wisdom+8
Care ring Wisdom+15
Scholar's specs Wisdom+15
Goddess ring Wisdom+33
Full moon ring Luck+7
Ring of clarity Luck+7
Rousing ring Luck+7
Bunny tail Luck+8
Gold chain Luck+10
Golden tiara Luck+13
Hen's tooth Luck+20
Sacred amulet Luck+30
Elevating shoes Luck+50
  • ♥ denotes female-only equipment.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

Mage is one of the basic classes available. It is one of the prerequisites for the Sage vocation (along with Priest), and for the Armamentalist Vocation (along with Warrior).

Stat Changes[edit]

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 180
Strength -40%
Agility -5%
Resilience -40%
Wisdom +20%
Max HP -40%
Max MP +10%


Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Novice Frizzle 1 One enemy Burns a single enemy with a large fireball. 4
Snooze One group Puts a group of enemies to Sleep. 3
2 Apprentice Sizz 13 One group Singes a group of enemies with a blazing fire. 4
Dazzle One group Envelops a group of enemies in illusions. 5
3 Magician Sizzle 28 One group Burns a group of enemies enemies with a blazing wall of fire. 6
Zoom Self Teleports to a previously visited town. 1
4 Enchanter Fuddle 43 One group Sends a group of enemies into a state of Confusion. 5
Kasap Self Reduces the Defence of a group of enemies. 4
5 Conjurer Boom 75 All enemies Engulfs all enemies in a large explosion. 8
Evac Self Escapes to world map. 8
6 Sorcerer Crackle 105 Enemy group Rips into a group of enemies with sharp icicles. 5
Drain Magic One enemy Steals MP from a single enemy. 0
7 Wizard Kasnooze 145 Enemy group Puts a group of enemies into a deep Sleep. 5
8 Archmage Kasizzle 180 One group Scorches a group of enemies with blazing hellfire. 10
Bounce Self Forms a protective barrier that reflects all spells. 4

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

DQVII 3DS Mage.png

Mage is one of the basic vocations available at Alltrades Abbey. It is a prerequisite for the Sage and Armamentalist vocations.

Stat Changes[edit]

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 170 (PS1)
80 (3DS)
Strength -40%
Agility -5%
Resilience -40%
Wisdom +20%
Style +10%
Max HP -40%
Max MP +10%

PS1 Abilities[edit]

Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Beginner Sizz 1 One Group Does ~20 HP in flame damage. 4
2 Novice Snooze 13 One Group May cause Sleep in one group of enemies. 3
3 Dabbler Zoom 28 Field Return to previously visited locations. 1
4 Magician Evac 43 Field Allows the party to escape dungeons and caves. 8
Sap One Enemy Cuts one enemy's Defence in half. 3
5 Sorcerer Frizzle 70 One Enemy Causes ~80 HP in fire damage. 4
6 Wizard Boom 105 All Enemies Causes ~60 HP in explosion damage. 8
Dazzle One Group May cause fog in one group of enemies. 3
7 Warlock Sizzle 135 One Group Causes ~40 HP in flame damage. 6
8 Archmage Crackle 170 One Group Causes ~50 HP in ice damage. 5

3DS Abilities[edit]

Level Title Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Hobbyist Sizz 1 One Group Singes a group of enemies with blazing fire. 4
2 Apprentice Snooze 5 One Group Puts a group of enemies to Sleep. 3
3 Magician Zoom 10 Field Return to previously visited locations. 1
Absorb Magic Self Absorb the MP of an incoming spell. 2
4 Enchanter Evac 18 Field Exit instantly from dungeons, caves, etc. 8
Sap One Enemy Reduces the defence of a single enemy. 3
5 Conjurer Frizzle 28 One Enemy Burns a single enemy with a large fireball. 4
6 Sorcerer Boom 40 All Enemies Engulfs all enemies in a large explosion. 8
Dazzle One Group Envelops a group of enemies in illusions. 5
7 Wizard Sizzle 55 One Group Burns a group of enemies with fierce fire. 6
8 Archmage Crackle 80 One Group Rains razor-sharp icicles on a group of enemies. 5

Hybrid Abilities[edit]

Hybrid Learns Target Info MP
Troubadour Curse Song One Group Lowers the Defence of one group of enemies. 0
Dancer Absorb Magic Self Absorbs the MP from one magic spell. 0
Martial Artist Fire Air All Enemies Does ~10 HP in fire damage. 0
Jester Panic All One Group May cause Confusion in one group of enemies. 5
Sailor Lightning All Enemies Causes ~40 HP in Electric Damage. 0
Shepherd Sleep All One Group Has a better chance of causing Sleep in one group of enemies. 5
Thief Rob Magic One Enemy Steals ~25 MP from one enemy. 0


The Mage's spells are useful after the events at Alltrades Abbey, but when combined with the mastered Priest class, the character can become a Sage and learn much more devastating spells and a Druid afterwards.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX Mage Male.png
DQIX Mage Female.png

The Mage class is available at the start of the game and has the unique skillset "Spellcraft". Mages can also use skill points to learn Knife, Wand, Whip, and Shield skills. Their Coup-de-Grace is "0 Zone," which reduces their MP cost to zero for a few turns.

Compared to a Sage, Magi have fewer options in battle. However, this is made up for in sheer Magical Might, with the Magus' proficiency far surpassing the Sage's even before stat-boosting equipment is taken into consideration. This makes them excellent at crowd control and inflicting incredible damage to bosses.


Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 18 390
MP 16 364
Strength 4 96
Agility 18 401
Resilience 7 162
Magical Might 18 400
Magical Mending 0 0
Deftness 14 304
Charm 7 155


Accolades Required points Name Effects
Mediocre Invoker 8 Wizard Ward Creates a barrier that protects the caster from magic.
Charm School Graduate 18 Natural Magical Might +20 Permanently adds 20 to Magical Might.
Sort-of Sorcerer 26 Spooky Aura Reduces an enemy's resistance to magic.
Good Speller 38 Natural Max MP +10 Permanently adds 10 to Max MP.
Abracadaberer 46 Focus Pocus Restores some MP on next turn.
Mentalist 54 Critical Spell Rate Up Spells are more likely to go haywire or get a serious boost (the magic equivalent of a Critical Hit)
Whizzard/Wicked Witch 68 Channel Anger Temporarily improves Magical Might.
Mager General 78 Natural Magical Might +60 Permanently adds 60 to Magical Might.
Hardcore Sorcerer/Sorceress 88 Natural Max MP +20 Permanently adds 20 to Max MP.
Master Caster 100 Natural Magical Might +100 Permanently adds 100 to Magical Might.


Name Level MP Description
Frizz 1 2 Singes a single enemy with a small fireball.
Acceleratle 4 4 Raises the agility of all party members.
Crack 6 3 Pierces a single enemy with razor-sharp icicles.
Sap 7 4 Reduces the defence of a single enemy.
Evac 8 3 Exit instantly from dungeons, caves, and towers.
Bang 11 5 Damages all enemies with a small explosion.
Safe Passage 13 2 Travel with impunity across harmful terrain.
Crackle 16 8 Rips into a group of enemies with sharp icicles.
Fuddle 19 5 Sends a group of enemies into Confusion.
Bounce 21 4 Forms a protective barrier that reflects all enemy spells.
Kasap 25 8 Reduces the Defence of a group of enemies.
Boom 28 10 Engulfs all enemies in a large explosion.
Frizzle 30 6 Burns a single enemy with a large fireball.
Oomph 33 8 Increases the attack of a single party member.
Kacrack 40 24 Lacerates all enemies with a raw volley of rasping ice.
Blunt 42 8 Decreases the Attack of a single enemy.
Kaboom 47 28 Blasts all enemies with a violent explosion.
Kafrizz 53 18 Incinerates a single enemy with an enormous fireball.
Kafrizzle 64 45 Cremates a single enemy with an enormous fireball.
Kacrackle 68 50 Tears into all enemies with giant shards of ice.

Revocation Award[edit]

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

The sorcerers have been depicted as statues with base values of 120,000.

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Cropped image of the status screen in Walk

The Mage Vocation is available to players at the onset of an adventure, and gives access to Knives, Wands, and Whips.

Notable Mages[edit]


See also[edit]
