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This article or section contains content that has been removed from the game or store, or has never been released. It exists solely for archival purposes.

Magi Booster is an item which was removed in version 5.50.

Components required from the Base Shop
Magi Booster
Magi Booster icon
Gives no bonuses, but serves to consolidate space.
Removed Item
Cost 2615 Gold
Sell Value Full price refunded within 10s. 1307.5 Gold
Bonus ? +900 Mana
Shareable No
Disassemble No
Usage Alert ? No
Magi Booster (2615)
Energy Booster (800)
Energy Booster (800)
Energy Booster (800)
Iron Branch (50)


  • Magi Booster was a short lived item, it was added in version 5.40 and was removed in the next version, 5.50.
  • Magi Booster did not show in the game shop, but its recipe was visible in Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel recipe's description.

Recent Changes

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">


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