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Tarmick Mage
Tarmick Mage
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
15 + 1.5
17 + 1.5
19 + 3.75
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 100 385 784 1297 1468
+0.25 +1.6 +3.49 +5.92 +6.78
Mana 200 447 1123 1773 2033
+0.01 +0.96 +3.59 +6.06 +7.1
Armor 0 2.83 6.33 10.83 12.42
Magic Resist 25% 26.9% 32.15% 37.1% 39.18%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.62/s 0.72/s 0.85/s 1.02/s 1.08/s
Attack Range Ranged 650 (800)
Attack Speed 100 (1.62s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.55 + 0.4
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed 280 (Nighttime 310)
Turn Rate Takes 0.209s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 24
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal Not Provided

Pugna the Oblivion, The Tarmick Mage was a hero which was removed in the Version 5.10 gameplay patch.


Pugna the Oblivion, The Tarmick Mage
Lore: Intelligent Hero, adept at life-affecting spells. Can learn Cripple, Life Drain, Animate Dead, and Chain Frost.


Raise Undead
Reincarnation icon
No Target
Raises units from the dead for 30 seconds.
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Corpse Search Radius: 400
Units Raised per Cast: 2/3/4/5
Duration: 30/45/60/75
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Brings the closest corpses within the radius back to life for a short duration.
  • Raised units cannot use any abilities and have a distinct red hue.
  • The corpses disappear once raised. When the raised unit expires or is killed, it does not leave a corpse.
  • Raised Deads take purge damage.
  • Animated Corpses can spawn in a 900 radius around the Corpse

Decrepify icon
Significantly reduces enemies attack speed and movement
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 550
Attack and Move Speed Slow: 15/25/35/45%
Cripple Duration: 13
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

Life Drain
Life Drain icon
Enemies / Allies
Absorbs the life essence of a target enemy unit by taking hit points and mana from it every second and giving them to your hero
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 500
Max Channel Time: 8
Link Break Distance: 800
Health Drain per Second: 6.25/12.5/18.67/25
Mana Drain per Second: 3.13/6.25/9.37/12.5
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Life Drain

  • The link breaks when the target turns invulnerable or hidden, exceeds the break distance, or runs out of health.
  • Drains 1.5625/3.125/4.6675/6.25 health in 0.25 second intervals, starting 0.25 seconds after cast, resulting in up to 32 instances.
  • Can drain up to 50/100/149.36/200 when fully channeled.

Chain Frost icon
Releases a jumping breath of frost. Each hit deals 400 damage
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 800
Bounce Distance: 500
Number of Bounces: 4/6/8
Bounce Delay: 0.2
Damage: 400
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Chain Frost

  • Chain Frost travels at a speed of 522.
  • The projectile bounces with a 0.2 second delay.
  • Can bounce on the same unit multiple times, but only when another target was hit between the bounces.
  • Can bounce on, but cannot damage or slow Roshan icon Roshan. Only the initial hit can damage and slow him.
  • Chain Frost first applies the debuff, then the damage.
  • The projectile has 522 range flying vision. The vision is not provided during the 0.2 second bounce delay.

Replaced abilities[]

Does not pierce spell immunity. RE
Fissure icon
Summons an earthquake to wreak havoc against buildings
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 1000
Blast Radius: 400
Damage per Second: 40/50/60
Max Channeled Time: 60
Unit Movement Speed Slow: 75%
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

Flame Strike
Scorched Earth icon
Summons a powerful pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 800
Flame Strike Radius: 300
Flame Strike DPS: 57/100/150
Damage per Second Interval: 0.3
Burn Duration Hero/Creep: 3
Fire Strike Delay: 0.5
Leftover Fire Damage per Second: 10/20/30
Leftover Fire Duration: 1
Structure Damage Reduction: 70%
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

Mana Drain
Mana Drain icon
Enemies / Self
Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second.
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 600
Max Channel Time: 6
Link Break Distance: 800
Mana Drain per Second: 30/60/90
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Mana Drain

  • Can only be cast on units which have a mana pool.
  • Drains 3/6/9 mana in 0.1 second intervals, starting 0.1 seconds after cast, resulting in up to 60 instances.
  • Can drain up to 180/360/540 mana when fully channeled.

Mana Shield
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast. Cannot be used by illusions. Pierces spell immunity. EN
Mana Shield icon
Creates a shield that absorbs 100% of incoming damage in exchange for GOD's mana.
Damage Absorption: 100%
Damage Absorbed per Mana: 1.00/1.75/2.50
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Mana Shield

  • Mana Shield does not interrupt Silencer's channeling spells upon cast.

Mind Rot
Enfeeble icon
Drains an enemy's mana by 8 per second.
Cast Animation: 0.3+2.4
Cast Range: 600
Mana Burned per Second: 8
Debuff Duration: 10/20/30
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Mind Rot

  • Places a mana-burning debuff on a target. Does not grant mana to Tarmick Mage.
  • Can only be cast on units which have a mana pool.


  • After Tarmick removal some of his spells were reused/given to new Heroes

Version history[]

  • Used Hero concept to create a New Hero Pugna minimap icon Pugna, the Oblivion.
  • Removed.
  • Increased Life Drain icon Life Drain Health Drain per Second from 3.13/6.25/9.37/12.5 to 6.25/12.5/18.75/25
  • Chain Frost icon Chain Frost
    • Increased mana cost from 200 to 200/250/300
    • Increased damage from 300 to 400
Chain Frost icon Chain Frost:
Releases a jumping breath of frost. Each hit deals 300 damage.
Cast range: 800.
Bounce distance: 500.
Number of bounces: 4/6/8.
Damage: 300.
Attack speed slow: 20.
Movement speed slow: 40%.
Slow duration: 5.
Cooldown: 75.
Mana cost: 200.
Projectile speed: 522.
Notes: Chain Frost is bugged, it casts sleep on the primary target instead of doing damage and visual effect, the slept target is invulnerable for unlimited amount of time. This is due to a programming error with triggers.
  • Life Drain icon Life Drain
    • Fixed level 4 Life Drain damage interval being 1 second instead of 0.25.
    • Now steals mana points from the target as well as health points, the same amount.
    • Reduced Health Drain per Second from 6.25/12.5/18.75/25 to 3.13/6.25/9.37/12.5.
    • Reduced mana cost from 95 to 55.
    • Increased Max Channel Time Hero from 4 to 8 (Now is the same channeling time for heroes and creeps).
  • Renamed Tormented Soul, Pugna the Oblivion to Pugna minimap icon Tarmick Mage, Pugna the Oblivion.
  • Created a new Hero Leshrac minimap icon Leshrac, The Tormented Soul.
  • Added a 4th level to all basic abilties.
  • Reduced Intelligence attribute symbol Intelligence gain from 3.80 to 3.25.
  • Decrepify icon Cripple
    • Rescaled attack and movement speed slow from 25/35/45% to 15/25/35/45%.
    • Increased mana cost from 90 to 100.
    • Reduced cooldown from 30 to 20.
  • Replaced Mana Drain icon Mana Drain with Life Drain icon Life Drain
Life Drain icon Life Drain:
Absorbs the life essence of a target enemy unit by taking hit points from it every second and giving them to your hero.
Cast Range: 500.
Damage Interval: 0.25.
Max Channel Time Hero/Creep: 4/8.
Link Break Distance: 800.
Health Drain per Second: 6.25/12.5/18.75/25.
Mana Cost: 95.
Cooldown: 12.
Reincarnation icon Raise Undead:
Raises units from the dead.
Corpse Search Radius: 400.
Units Raised: 2/3/4/5.
Duration: 30/45/60/75.
Mana Cost: 110.
Cooldown: 30.
Notes: Animated Corpse can spawn in a 900 radius around the Corpse.
Fissure icon Earthquake:
Summons an earthquake to wreak havoc against buildings.
Cast Range: 1000.
Building DPS: 40/50/60.
Unit Slow: 75%.
Radius: 400.
Max Channeled Time: 60.
Mana Cost: 150.
Cooldown: 90.
Scorched Earth icon Flame Strike:
Summons a powerful pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time.
Cast Range: 800.
Fire Strike Radius: 300.
Fire Strike DPS: 57/100/150
Damage per Second Interval: 0.3.
Burn Duration Hero/Creep: 3.
Fire Strike Delay: 0.5.
Leftover Fire Damage per Second: 10/20/30.
Leftover Fire DPS Interval: 1.
Structure Damage Reduction: 70%.
Mana Cost: 300.
Coodlown: 120.
  • Decrepify icon Cripple
    • No longer reduces attack damage by 85/75/65%.
    • Reduced cast range from 600 to 550.
    • Rescaled attack and movement speed slow from 75/65/55% to 25/35/45%.
    • Reduced duration from 15/17/20 to 13.
  • Increased base attack damage from 16-16 to 26-26.
  • Reduced base attack time from 2.13 to 1.62.
  • Increased Intelligence attribute symbol Intelligence gain from 3.20 to 3.80.
  • Reduced base movement speed from 300 to 280.
  • Decrepify icon Cripple
    • Rescaled attack damage reduction from 25/50/75% to 85/75/65%.
    • Increased Attack and Movement Speed Reduction from 50/30/90% to 75/65/55%.
    • Reduced duration from 15/20/25 to 15/17/20.
  • Reduced Mana Drain icon Mana Drain damage absorbed per mana from 1/2/3 to 1/1.75/2.50.
  • Replaced Enfeeble icon Mind Rot with Mana Drain icon Mana Drain
Old Enfeeble icon Mind Rot:
Drains an enemy's mana by 8 per second. Not Channeled
Places a mana-burning debuff on a target. Does not grant mana to Tarmick Mage.
Cast Range: 600.
Mana Consumed per second: 8.
Debuff Duration: 10/20/30.
Mana Cost: 25/50/75.
Coodlown: 20/25/30.
New Mana Drain icon Mana Drain:
Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second. Channeld
Cast Range: 600
Max Channel Time: 6
Link Break Distance: 800
Mana Drain per Second: 15/30/45
Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 20/25/30
  • Fissure icon Earthquake
    • Increased number of ability levels from 1 to 3.
    • Increased DPS from 40/50/60.
    • Reduced cooldown from 180 to 90.
  • Increased base attack damage from 10-10 to 16-16.
  • Fissure icon Earthquake
    • Increased Final Radius from 250 to 400.
    • Increased Initial Radius from 300 to 400.
  • Created.