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Dota 2 Wiki
Kobold model
Kobold icon
Neutral Creep
This unit has no mana.
Level 1
Armor Armor 0
Magic Resistance 0%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Default
13 ‒ 14
Attack Range Melee 100
Acquisition Range 500
Attack Speed 1 attack(s) per second. 200 • 2s BAT
Attack Animation 0.38+0.6
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 290 (100)
Turn Rate Takes 0.116s to turn 180°. 0.9
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1400800
Bounty Gold 57
Experience 14
Model Scale 0.9
Abilities Prospecting Aura (Kobold) icon Prospecting Aura

Kobold is a neutral creep found in:


Prospecting Aura
Partially usable by illusions. Disabled by Break.
Prospecting Aura (Kobold) icon
Kobolds are adept at finding gold, increasing nearby allied heroes' GPM.
Radius: 1200
Gold per Minute Bonus: 20/25/30/40
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Holy Persuasion icon Holy Persuasion increases the level of certain persuaded creeps' ability by 1 and unlocks the 4th ability level.
Partially usable by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Bestows the aura, but are not affected by it.
Modifiers [?]

  • Increases gold gained to a total of 110/115/120/130 Gold per minute while affected.
    • Fully stacks with other gold per minute increasing effects, but not with multiple aura instances of itself.
  • Multiple instances of the aura do not stack.
    • Prospecting Aura also has an 800 radius neutral aura. However, this has no effect since the neutral creeps cannot utilize gold.
    • Visually affects illusions and clones, but does not grant any bonus gold to their owner.
    • Does not affect invulnerable units.


Neutral Upgrade
Unknown icon
Neutral creeps now increase their stats as time passes by.
Max Stack: 30
Upgrade Interval: 450
Health Bonus per Interval: 30
Armor Bonus per Interval: 0.5
Base Attack Damage Bonus per Interval: 3
Attack Speed Bonus per Interval: 5
Gold Bounty Increase per Interval: 1
Experience Bounty Increase per Interval: 5
Modifiers [?]

  • Each upgrade interval is at 7.5 mins after the game horn.
    • Instantly updates all existing neutral creeps upon each upgrade interval.
  • Grants the following total permanent bonuses at max stacks during the 225th minute (3:45:00 game-time):
    • 900 health bonus.
    • 15 armor bonus.
    • 90 base attack damage bonus.
    • 150 attack speed bonus.
    • Additional 30 Gold and 150XP bounty.
  • The total values on each upgrade cycle can be seen in each of the camps' articles.
  • Additionally, certain neutral creeps' abilities instantly update their ability level every 15 mins, up to 2 times, after the game horn.

Recent Changes[]

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • The Trusty Shovel icon Summmoned Kobold icon Kobold is now a player-controlled unit.
  • Increased Prospecting Aura (Kobold) icon Prospecting Aura gold per minute from 20 Gold to 20/25/30/40 Gold. [?]
  • Increased movement speed from 270 to 290.
  • Increased base attack time from 1.35 to 2.
  • Increased attack speed from 100 to 200.
  • Increased turn rate from 0.5 to 0.9.
  • Reduced gold bounty from 6‒8Gold to 5‒7Gold.
  • Reduced experience bounty from 17XP to 14XP.
  • Changed
    attack class from Basic to Default. [?]
  • Changed
    defense class from Basic to Default. [?]
  • Added
    new Prospecting Aura (Kobold) icon Prospecting Aura ability.
Passively grants nearby allies gold per minute.
Neutral radius: 800
Player-controlled radius: 1200
Gold per minute: 20
Aura linger duratrion: 0.5
Notes: Multiple instances of the aura do not stack. Disabled by Break.

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