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Speciation and Introgression between Mimulus nasutus and Mimulus guttatus

Figure 3

Introgression of M. nasutus material into M. guttatus.

A) Treemix suggests introgression from M. nasutus in to sympatric M. guttatus samples. B) A histogram of interspecific pairwise sequence divergence in 5 kb windows for each M. guttatus sample. C) Introgression across a chromosome - Moving along a part of chromosome two for all M. guttatus samples, we color genomic regions in which the focal individual (y-label) and a M. nasutus sample, indicated by color, recently coalesce (πS≤0.5%). White regions coalesce more distantly in the past (πS>0.5%) and gray regions indicate insufficient density of informative sites. Major tick marks on the x-axis indicate 1 megabase. Purple bars above each focal individual denote greater than a 95% posterior probability of M. nasutus ancestry as inferred from our HMM. D) Admixture block length distribution - The number of admixed blocks, as inferred by a greater than 95% posterior probability of M. nasutus ancestry from our HMM, longer than x. The expected exponential distribution is marked with a dotted line.

Figure 3
