Annual report 2014

Annual report 2014 for Wikimedia Denmark (WMDK).

[redigér]Wikimedia Denmark (WMDK) is the organization supporting Wikimedia activities in Denmark, such as promoting Wikipedia. Most of the active members are based in Copenhagen and most activities also take place there, though a few activities have occurred outside the capital area.
The number of members of WMDK has been around 20. We maintain around 8,000 Danish Kroner on our bank account. Apart from this amount, WMDK has received a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation, which amounts to 21,641 Danish Kroner. This grant was originally intended to cover the salary for the Wikipedian-in-Residence (WiR) in 2012, but as the hosting institutions chose to fund the WiR the grant was not spent. The budget of WMDK is far less than the budget from WMDK sister chapter in Sweden, Wikimedia Sverige, which in 2013 had a budget on several million Swedish Kroner.[1] While our accounting was considerably delayed in 2013 due to our change in accountant, with the new accountant the board is now updated with timely information.
The board was elected in 2013 at the WMDK general assembly, which served until a new board was elected in September 2014. We have seen little change among the members of the board. The general assembly in 2014 saw no change. Throughout the years Ole Palnatoke Andersen has been Chairman and continues to be so. The board usually meets each month, alternating between face-to-face meeting and board meetings held via IRC with minutes written on etherpad and moved to the wiki once finished. There are five board members and two alternate. The alternates usually participates in the meetings.
WMDK has setup a strategy with specific goals for the organization. While some goals are still far from being reached in 2014, e.g., 100 members of WMDK and 12 months of Wikipedian in residence, others have been reached with respect to WikiWednesdays, Wikitræf and edit-a-thon.
Work in the organization
[redigér]In 2014 funding from the foundation for a roll-up banner was organized. During 2014 we have also been involved editing a brochure, At bidrage til Wikipedia, equivalent with the English Editing Wikipedia.
Copyright rules are being revised in the European Union. WMDK formulated a response to the public consultation put out by the union. In that response WMDK made a number of suggestions, e.g., non-copyrightable 2D photos of public domain "flat" works and better freedom of panorama.[2]
WMDK did not participate in the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin in 2014, but we participated in the Nordic FSCONS (Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit). We also participated in the Wikimaps meeting in Helsinki in February 2014 with one member from the board. We have held meeting with a Danish OpenStreetMap mapper and an IT user group. Other contacts have been with Danmarks Biblioteksforening (organization for libraries in Denmark), KVINFO (Danish Center for Research on Women and Gender) and Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark).
In May 2014 WMDK setup a blog from served from and wrote a few detailed articles. Board members are also active on the WMDK-relevant groups and pages on Facebook. The "Wikimedia Danmark" group has 54 member, the "Dansk Wikipedia" group 130 members and the "Wikimedia Danmark" page[3] had 595 likes in May 2015.
[redigér]WMDK continues to organize WikiWednesdays in the Copenhagen area. The informal meetings usually take place the first Wednesday in each month. During the summer months the events are usually outside and often resulting in an improvised photo session with photos for Wikimedia Commons. They are typically announced on Facebook and on the Danish Wikipedia by our chairman. In 2014 we had 12 WikiWednesdays.[4]

In the spring the world's largest song competition, the International Eurovision Song Contest, took place in Copenhagen. Wikimedia Sweden had the previous year a press accreditation for their photographer, Albin Olsson, creating numerous high quality media files. In 2014 Wikimedia Denmark organized private accommodation for Albin Olsson during his stay in Copenhagen for his Eurovision work, and this year he again produced not only many excellent photos of the singers and musicians in the competitions but also several fine photos of the Danish TV hosts.

In relation to Eurovision, one of the WMDK board members discovered one of Albin Olsson's photos used on the front page of a small-scale Danish astrology magazine, Horoskopet. The use was made without proper attribution of the Creative Commons-licensed photo. WMDK alerted Albin Olsson about the issue back in 2013,[5] and some efforts were made to resolve the issue in 2014. As of 2015 back issues of the magazine are apparently still being sold and new issues published from

Many of the events associated with WMDK have been based in Copenhagen, but in 2014 we had several events with a focus outside the capital. One event was a "Wikitræf" (Wikimeeting) aimed at taking photos of the Danish city of Fredericia. The Commons category May 2014 in Denmark has now been considerably expanded by the photos from the event. Around a month later on 7 June another Wikitræf went to the northern parts of the island Funen[6] and a few days later an online collaborative effort on 11 June focused on tourist attractions in central Jutland.[7] In the autumn a meeting was held in Aarhus focusing on GLAM and tourism.[8]
HACK4DK is an annual hackathon organized by major Danish cultural institutions.[9] In 2014 it took place at the National Gallery of Denmark 26–28 September. Wikimedia Denmark as an organization did not take part in the 2014 hackathon, but individual members from the organization participated.

In connection with our general assembly in September, we have since 2013 organized a wikidag (English Wikiday) with invited talks. For the Wikidag 2014 we organized a small event that led up to a seminar in October 2014. This seminar, Skriv ligestilling ind i Wikipedia (English: Write gender equality into Wikipedia) became our perhaps most successful writing event in terms of number of participants. The seminar was organized by KVINFO (Danish Center for Research on Women and Gender) and two women and took place at the KVINFO library at the very center of Copenhagen.[10] The organization also provided lunch and snacks. The event featured a few talks about issues such as gender equality on Wikipedia, translation and Wikipedia editing. The goal of the seminar was to help change the ratio of active female Wikipedia editors and the program had time slots for Wikipedia editing. WMDK provided members that could help new editors with setting up an account and assist with editing. While the Wikidag 2014 failed to attract any major number of people outside the core WMDK community, the KVINFO event was much better attended by outsiders. Fourteen Wikipedia editors was counted for the day.[11] Another event later that year also attracted new prospect editors: WMDK members met with art historians at Statens Museum for Kunst (English: National Gallery of Denmark) for a meeting on Wikipedia editing. This event at SMK has since been repeated.
Wikipedia radio program

In 2014 culture researcher, author and critic Torben Sangild began a unique radio program series on the station Radio24syv. The program was entitled Wiki-værkstedet: Et program om alt (English: The wiki workshop: a program about everything). The hour-long program featured thorough discussions between Sangild and invited experts of topics related to individual Wikipedia articles. Examples have been Wegner's Danish design classic The round chair and Berlin's Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas. Apart from the topical discussion the program also explained elements of Wikipedia editing. In one of the episodes WMDK Chairman Ole Palnatoke Andersen was invited in his role as Wikipedia administrator.[12] Radio24syv is a government-funded talk radio setup to compete with DR (the Danish BBC-like media organization). Radio24syv claims to have 300,000 listeners on average and a growing number of podcast downloads.[13] Five programs from 2014 of Wiki-værkstedet are available as podcasts from the homepage of the radio station[14] and from iTunes.[15]
Wikimedia projects
[redigér]The Danish Wikipedia is the main wiki for Wikimedia Denmark. In the beginning of 2014 it had less than 185,000 articles, while in the end of the year it passed 194,000.[16]
WMDK Chairman Ole Palnatoke Andersen was cited in Danish mainstream media. The reporting concerned a study from May 2014 on medical information on the English Wikipedia.[17] A Danish national newspaper reported briefly about it.[18]
Danish Wikivoyage is available on the Incubator and was started in January 2013. In 2013 it saw only limited editing and this did not improve in 2014. Only a couple of editors seems to edit from time to time. It is fairly unlikely that the Danish Wikivoyage will take off from the Incubator in the nearest future.
See also
[redigér]- ↑
- ↑ Høring/Review of the EU copyright rules
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- ↑ Turistattraktioner i Midtjylland
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- ↑ 24syv kæmper med lyttertallene - undtagen på nettet
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- ↑ Wikipedia vs peer-reviewed medical literature for information about the 10 most costly medical conditions
- ↑ Kirstine Dons Christensen, Læger advarer: Fejlinformation på Wikipedia,, 28. maj 2014