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Zoe Plummer is the oldest of the Plummer children in the 2005 Disney action comedy film The Pacifier.



At first, Zoe is annoyed by Shane Wolfe's rules and military. In the garden on the night after their mother, Julie, left, he sees someone climbing on the wall and thinks it is a stranger. He pulls him down, but realizes it's really Zoe's boyfriend, Scott. She is annoyed at Shane for bullying him, but suddenly the commotion is stopped by a siren of their North Korean neighbors, Mr. & Mrs. Chun. Upstairs, Zoe disrespects Shane by telling him how much he has embarrassed her, but he declines it. As she is about to kick him, he quickly grabs her leg, sending her hopping to her room.

Driving skills[]

When Shane drives the kids to school, he goes too fast and dangerously. When Zoe attempts to pass Driver's Ed, she at first messes up and wrecks the car when she thinks there's a bee at her. For the second time, she drives her siblings to school, but stops just in time when a truck passes. When they get to school, she says, "Oh, it was so dramatic," and Lulu hugs the grass.

Throughout the song "Just Like You", Shane sets up a driving course for Zoe. She at first knocks some cones down, but is lucky when she misses one. In another scene, when she gets the hang of driving, Shane challenges her to drive forward and backward.

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The Pacifier logo
The Pacifier
Shane Wolfe • Julie Plummer • Zoe Plummer • Seth Plummer • Lulu Plummer • Peter Plummer • Tyler Plummer • Captain Bill Fawcett • Claire Fletcher • Dwayne Murney • Mr. & Mrs. Chun