"World of Evil" is a projector level in Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. Located in Autotopia, it leads to the doctor's attic in Lonesome Manor. It has a song summarizing the Mad Doctor's plan.
Welcome, boys and girls,
To the wonderful world of evil
Today, I have a tragic tale for you
You know I fell into the Gulch
And planned to take revenge on Wasteland
Yes, take revenge
That's what I planned to do...
I needed an army,
So I created Blotworx
Blotworx - part Beetleworx, part Spatter
But they were unpredictable,
And had to be cast out
I had to stop again with that entire matter
My Toon parts were interfering with my animatronics
That's bad right from the start
I needed a way to become a Toon again
Because I was falling apart!
After the break,
There's lots of fun in store
We'll talk about my plans
To become a Toon again and more
On "The Mad Doctor's Wonderful World of Evil"!
- This song is not included on the game's soundtrack.