Screenshots of Violet Parr.
"We act normal, Mom. I wanna be normal!"
Reading and listening to music.
Violet realizes the suit completely disappears as she does.
Practicing her powers on the fire.
"Mom and Dad's lives could be in Jeopardy, or worse, their marriage."
"Dash, remember what Mom said."
"We were so worried about you!"
The Incredibles fight Syndrome's guards.
"Well, I think Dad has made some excellent progress today, but I think it's time we wind down now."
"Use the coordinates from the last launch."
The Incredibles with Frozene.
"You're not sticking me with babysitting!"
"Did you wash your hands?"
"The elephant in the room."
"What exactly is mom's new job?"
"Boys are jerks and superheroes suck."
"It was Dicker! You told him about Tony!"
Trying to put her suit in the garbage disposal.
Violet sprays water out of her nose after noticing Tony.
A mind-controlled Voyd tries to put a pair of Hypno-Goggles on Violet.
"Well, I'm sorry
she's rich and will probably get no more than a slap on the wrist."
Reintroducing herself to Tony.
Violet and family in McDonald's commercial.
Violet and Elastigirl in Skoda Fabia commercial.
Violet in Sky Broadband commercial.
Violet in Chrysler Pacifica commercial.
Violet and family in ASICS commercial.