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"Twins to Tweens" is the forty-ninth episode of The Proud Family.


Oscar, Trudy, and Suga Mama are going out bowling, leaving Penny to take care of BeBe and CeCe...for the second weekend in a row. Penny, however, would rather go to the pool party of her latest boyfriend, Dante. Her friends show up, asking to come, but Penny explains her situation and her friends depart with some "p" related jokes. When she goes back inside, Al Roker appears, sitting on her sofa. Penny is still upset with him from her previous experience and turns him away. But, in some way, he coaxes Penny into making a wish, and she accidentally wishes that BeBe and CeCe were old enough to take care of themselves. Roker transforms the twins into teenagers (offscreen) and hastily makes a splash dive into the TV. Penny is initially shocked at first, but this gives her an opportunity to take BeBe and CeCe to the party with her.

At the party, Penny introduces the aged BeBe and CeCe to Dijonay, Zoe, LaCienega, Sticky, and Micheal, and the friends instantly take a sudden interest in the two. ("BeBe and CeCe are hot and you're not." Zoe tells her). Myron tries to sympathize with Penny and just as he is offering her a chance to come see a butterfly exhibit, Dante shows up, asking Penny for CeCe's phone number. When the three Proud kids get home, they are met by an outraged Trudy and Oscar, who demand to know where BeBe and CeCe are. Penny's words do not convince them in the slightest and so she asks the twins to show them their birthmarks, which are apparently located somewhere around their rear ends. This causes Oscar, Trudy, and by extension Suga Mama, to faint.

A couple of days later, Penny's dignity begins to go downhill. She gets a high five from Oscar while BeBe and CeCe are given $20 dollars each, dejected from a car ride with Dante while she gets to walk, gets a C on her pop quiz while the twins get A's, falls victim to the Gross Sisters while her brother and sister are spared and BeBe and CeCe take over her seat at the cafeteria where she and her friends usually sit. As if that weren't bad enough, Penny has also been replaced by BeBe on the football team.

At home, Oscar and BeBe go out to get BeBe's driver's license while Penny discovers to her utmost chagrin that she has to share her room with CeCe, which has been completely renovated with a canopy bed, a matching dresser and yellow wallpaper. Penny is also shocked to find out that her bed has been taken down and replaced with a sleeping bag ("It's the same kind the troops used in Desert Storm." says Trudy). In the kitchen, Penny converses with Suga Mama, who tells her that the Penny she knows would never allow herself to get mistreated or ignored, but she humorously contradicts her words when CeCe complains over the lack of orange juice and Suga Mama steals the glass that Penny intended to drink for herself, giving it to CeCe. Afterwards, BeBe and CeCe inform Oscar and Trudy that they are going to the mall and Penny finally cries out that ever since "Pebbles and Bam-Bam" grew up, they have all been treating her like she is invisible. Feeling sorry for Penny, Trudy asks the twins to take their sister with her, despite their claims that she is a "square" with no friends. Undaunted, Trudy pulls rank and commands the twins to take Penny with her. After calling her down, a reluctant Penny goes off to the mall with BeBe and CeCe in tow, leaving Oscar at the mercy of Suga Mama and her rolling pin.

At the mall, BeBe and CeCe explain to Penny that the reason why nobody likes her anymore was simply because she is the oldest and they leave her unchaperoned while they go off and have fun at the Wizard Kelly Go-Kart Track. Myron shows up and disses her for a nerdy girl named Cindy, whom he plans on taking to see a comet. This proves to be the last straw for Penny, who runs over to a TV store and demands Roker to change the twins back into babies. In order to completely bring the status quo back to normal, she also orders Roker to wipe the memories of everyone who has interacted with the aged twins. Roker, fearful that his boss will strip him of his powers if he finds out that Penny is unhappy, obeys, and he transports Penny to the Go-Cart Track where she watches BeBe and CeCe turning back into their normal selves. Dante, who had been riding with CeCe, asks Penny for her phone number and she happily agrees.

In the end, Oscar, Trudy, and Suga Mama are going out bowling again, and this time, Penny is willing to babysit the twins, telling them that she loves them just the way they are.


  • Moral: Don’t try to change people for your own benefit. You may end up not liking the change.
  • This episode is one of the most disliked by the fandom due to how mean-spirited Penny is treated in the episode as well as some of the risqué humor, such as the tween Bebe and Cece mooning the family to show off their birthmarks.


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The Proud Family (Soundtrack) • The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder (Soundtrack) • The Proud Family Movie • Chibi Tiny Tales • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Broken Karaoke
The Proud Family: Penny Proud • Oscar Proud • Trudy Proud • BeBe & CeCe Proud • Suga Mama Proud • Puff the Dog • Boonetta Proud • Ray Ray Proud, Sr. • Ray Ray Proud, Jr. • Bobby Proud • S'mo Proud • Sista Spice • Dr. Vincent Parker • Maureen Parker • Reuben Parker • Leslie Parker • Diana Parker • Chanel Parker • Coco • Dijonay Jones • Zoey Howzer • LaCienega Boulevardez • Sticky Webb • Michael Collins • The Gross Sisters • Doctor Payne • Peabo • Felix Boulevardez • Sunset Boulevardez • Papi Boulevardez • Wizard Kelly • Little Wiz • Johnny Lovely • Debra Williams • Fifteen Cent • Johnny McBride • Mega • Dr. Carver • Dr. Carver's clone • Chang Triplets • Ginger S. Kelly • Tabasco • Myron Lewinski • Omar Phillips • The Altos • Kwok Wong • Mr. Gross • Duke Anoi • Garrett Krebs • Timothy Smythe • Crandall Smythe • Carlos • Miss Hightower • Clarence Saint-John • Ajay • Tristan • Chef O'Boy • Mongo

Louder and Prouder Characters: Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins • KG Leibowitz-Jenkins • Barry Leibowitz-Jenkins • Randall Leibowitz-Jenkins • Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Brown • Noah Barker
Guests: Al Roker • Mariah Carey • Rob Riggle

The Proud Family

Season One: "Bring It On" • "Strike" • "Rumors" • "Tiger Whisperer" • "EZ Jackster" • "Spelling Bee" • "She's Got Game" • "Forbidden Date" • "Teacher's Pet" • "Seven Days of Kwanzaa" • "Makeover" • "The Party" • "Love Thy Neighbor" • "I Had a Dream" • "I Love You Penny Proud" • "Puff's Magic Adventure" • "Enter the Bullies" • "The Altos" • "Hip-Hop Helicopter" • "Romeo Must Wed"
Season Two: "A Star is Scorned" • "A Hero for Halloween" • "Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thingy Baby" • "Poetic Justice" • "Behind Family Lines" • "Hooray for Iesha" • "Camping Trip" • "Crouching Trudy, Hidden Penny" • "Pulp Boot Camp" • "Tween Town" • "One in a Million" • "Hmmm… Tastes Like" • "There's Something About Rene" • "Adventures in Bebe Sitting" • "Surf and Turf" • "The Legend of Johnny Lovely" • "The Camp, the Counselor, the Mole, and the Rock" • "It Takes a Thief" • "Wedding Bell Blues" • "Penny Potter"
Season Three: "Monkey Business" • "Thelma and Luis" • "Culture Shock" • "Election" • "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" • "Smack Mania 6: Mongo Vs. Mama's Boy" • "Suga Mama's Believers" • "Twins to Tweens" • "She Drives Me Crazy" • "Who You Callin' a Sissy" • "Psycho Duck"

The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder
Season One: "New Kids on the Block" • "Bad Influence(r)" • "It All Started with an Orange Basketball" • "Father Figures" • "Snackland" • "Get In" • "When You Wish Upon a Roker" • "Home School" • "Raging Bully" • "Old Towne Road Part 1"
Season Two: "Old Towne Road Part 2" • "Grandma's Hands" • "Curved" • "A Perfect 10" • "Puff Daddy" • "The End of Innocence" • "The Soul Vibrations" • "Us Again" • "BeBe" • "Juneteenth"

"The Proud Family Theme Song" • "Stop Spreadin' Those Rumors Around" • "We Will Rock You" • "She's The Wizard Kelly Teen Queen" • "Sticky's Rock and Roll Song" • "Romeo and Juliet Rap"